12 Tips to Write Good Content in 2023

As a blogger or digital marketer, one skill that you will always require is content writing. Whether you are writing content for your blog posts, or guest posts and articles for other content marketing activities, the core skill that you will require is writing good content. Content writing skills don’t happen overnight, it requires practice …

11 Tips to write more Blog Posts and Boost Content on your Blog

As a blogger, one of your constant worry is to come up with new and fresh content. The blog posts you write are the actual heart and soul of your blog, if you fail to deliver a new and interesting post on the next deadline, your blog will stagnate and you will lose instant readership. …

14 Tips to Promote your eBook for Free

One thing that a blogger has in abundance is existing content. Any blogger who is blogging for some time must have hundred’s if not thousands of blog posts in his blog archives. This huge content resource is mostly unused, unless some of it is ranking on the search engines. Some of the best ways to …

12 Tips to Make your Content go Viral

Viral content does not really need to be accidental; they can be created on purpose. Over the years, with the rise of social media, going viral is rather rampant. There are algorithms to make sure what type of content goes viral, what content is promoted and what needs to be buried. However, everything ultimately depends …

12 Health Sub Niches to Start a Blog in 2023

Health is a serious niche where content has to be flawless and preferably written by someone who has an education background on the exact topic he is writing on. This qualification can be on topics like dietician, yoga certification, General Practitioner or even pediatrician or orthopedic, depending on the niche of the content. However, not …

11 Tips for Bloggers to write more Content

As a blogger, the success to your blogging activities lies in the amount of content you create. Agreed that everything still has to be done, from link building to promotions, but the biggest factor for the blogging success remains with the content. When you create more content, your posting schedule improves, that is rather than …

Top 11 SEO Content Writing Tips for Bloggers

If you have been blogging for some time, then you might have noticed that some of your articles have more visits than others. When you check through your analytics you will find that some articles get daily visits, these are the articles that ranks on the search engines. Search engines are the main source of …

18 Tips to Get Rid of Writers Block

Writer’s block is a terrible condition. It is a feeling of being stuck, like nothing can come out of your pen, no matter how hard you try. The blank document will keep starring at you until you give up and get yourself occupied with something else. This condition might last for months and sometimes even …

Top 12 Elements of a Good Blog Post

Writing a good blog post will attract more traffic to a blog. It will make sure that your visitors don’t bounce back, rather they will end up consuming the full article and leave thoughtful comments or exit with an outgoing, hopefully affiliate link. All this is easily possible if your blog post has several good …

Tips On Keeping Your Blog Fresh

Creating a blog is not easy, in fact when installing WordPress it should come with a fair warning in bold. “Blogging is not easy, coming up with content requires a lot of work, commitment and dedication, blogging is not for everyone.” Creating new and fresh content for your blog will become difficult, but the good …