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23 Email Marketing Statistics To Know In 2020

Posted By Azizddf 1507 days ago on all - Today, professionals direct more efforts towards chatbots, social media, and other ways of reaching out to customers. It seems there’s no place for email marketing in our world.

Yet, email remains the oldest but the most efficient marketing channel. Considering the number of people having access to email proves its effectiveness.

Moreover, this is an excellent opportunity for your budget and a smart method of growing your brand awareness online.

This is not my subjective opinion. This is the conclusion based on numerous research and numbers.

If you still doubt, let me show you a list of some email marketing statistics to know this year. They not only prove email marketing effectiveness.You'll get a few insights into how to get maximum out of your email marketing campaign.

Graphic Designer Fixes The 9 Worst Logos Ever

Posted By fershid 1484 days ago on all - Regular readers of Digital Synopsis must have read our article on 25 epic logo design fails. Now, Italian graphic designer Emanuele Abrate has come up with an interesting project in which he has redesigned the 9 worst logos out of that list.

Emanuele has tried to recreate these logos as if they were commissioned to him. He’s used different typography techniques, created aesthetic logomarks, and kept the brand colors as close to the original ones as possible.

Which do you think is the most successful redesign? Check out the project below and share your feedback in the comments.

Are You Prepared to Deal with an Emergency

Posted By harleenas 740 days ago on all - Do you know which things you should have handy in case of an emergency? You can deal with any circumstances if you are prepared. Here are some emergency supplies that you can consider having on hand at all times so you are better prepared.

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نمط هوليوود جلام في التصميم الداخلي – الأسلوب المثالي لأصحاب المنازل الفاخرة

Posted By businessadvice 1053 days ago on all - يشار إلى هوليوود جلام أيضا بإسم هوليوود ريجنسي. وهو ستايل يميل إلى الفخامة الزائدة والجاذبية، ومعروف من قبل مستخدميه بأنه "أسلوب درامي مثالي".

يمكن أن يكون مشابهاً للتصميم الفيكتوري وآرت ديكو والتصميم الحديث في منتصف القرن، فيتميز بالمفروشات الفخمة المخملية والقطع الفريدة (الانتيك). واللوحات عادةً ما تكون بألوان معتمة مع ظلال من درجات اللون الأحمر والفيروز.

يعود هذا النمط إلى العصر الذهبي لهوليوود القديمة، الموافقة لثلاثينيات القرن بخطوطه النظيفة و بتحقيق توازنه بين الجمال والوظيفة مع جمال التفاصيل الزخرفية.

6 Sober Activities to Take Up While Trying to Battle Addiction

Posted By harleenas 1008 days ago on all - Battling addiction might not be easy, but it’s not impossible. A new hobby will help you take your mind off the recovery process and become more positive in the battle against drug or alcohol addiction to achieve sobriety.

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Sewing vs Knitting vs Crocheting (In-Depth Guide)

Posted By denisacinca 629 days ago on all - If there’s one blunt statement that we can make right from the beginning of our sewing vs knitting vs crocheting comparison is all these three occupations are completely different.

9 Best Dog Chews and Treats to Keep Your Dog Busy

Posted By harleenas 1673 days ago on all - Are you a dog owner? You can keep your dog occupied and happy with dog chews and treats. These also help maintain your dog's overall health. Here are some of the best dog chews for your dog’s health and happiness.

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7 Reasons Why Changing Your Air Filter Matters

Posted By harleenas 1653 days ago on all - Do you use the heating, cooling, and ventilation system at home? This HVAC system uses air filters to provide you with clean air. Here are the reasons why you should change these air filters on a regular basis.

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6 Fantastic Gift Ideas for a Family With a Newborn Baby Boy

Posted By harleenas 1648 days ago on all - Do you have to gift a family for their newborn baby? It's not easy to choose a gift for a newborn baby boy. But here are some of the best gift ideas that they would cherish and value.

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