New Humor

Alternate McDonald’s Golden Arches Around the World (But Mostly in the United States)

Posted By clifhaley 823 days ago on Humor - McDonald’s was founded at some point in the past by restaurateur brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald who had a vision to revolutionize the way people gained weight. In order to help their new brand catch on they knew they would need a captivating logo that was both easy to recognize and could be drawn by a chimpanzee. After consulting with many highly regarded “ad men” and paying thousands of dollars to top notch graphic designers and leading-edge branding professionals they settled on a logo that was both dynamic and yellow: a single golden arch. Upon seeing the design the brothers knew they’d found a winner and exclaimed excitedly, “We paid thousands of dollars for this?!”
Several years later, a traveling hula hoop salesman named Ray “Hamburgler” Crock happened to pop into McDonald’s for a bite. He was immediately impressed by the restaurant’s efficiency, quality, and low level of rat feces compared to other “burger joints” of the time (being the 40s or possibly the 50s). He knew what he had to do. After setting his remaining hula hoops on fire in the parking lot he introduced himself to the McDonald’s brothers and offered to help them turn their one little McDonald’s store into a global phenomenon that can’t be escaped no matter where you try to find some goddamn peace and quite on this planet. And this is exactly what he did after swindling them out of all their worldly possessions.
Eventually, McDonald’s became so successful that Ray Crock was able to afford another arch for the signs! In the future, as McDonald’s continues to grow, they plan on adding more arches meaning that in the next 50 years or so you might see a McDonald’s sign with upwards of 327 golden arches, which would certainly be a sight to see and would probably cause major interference with low flying air craft.
While almost all of McDonald’s “Golden Arches” signs these days contain two yellow arches, there are a few alternatives out there. Check them out below before Ray Crock gets wind of these renegades and forces them to fall in line!

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Tim Hawthorne: State Finals Ping-Pong Champion

Posted By clifhaley 601 days ago on Humor - To say their description of me under my photo in the newspaper back then was unflattering is to put it mildly: His face was cursed by an ever-rupturing landscape of dire acne-ism; his cheeks slick with the discharge of pustules at all times. This has nothing to do with the fact that I’d come in […]
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Dundee Cake

Posted By WorldFoodStory 1730 days ago on Humor - Dundee Cake is one of the most famous and widespread traditional Scottish cakes. Usually, it is being made using almonds, currants, sultanas and sometimes cherries, alongside a wide range of spices. Officially it first appears at the beginning of the 19th century, in the city of Dundee, whence its name. Unlike most traditional dishes, which...
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Posted By WorldFoodStory 1622 days ago on Humor - Gibanica is a dish of traditional Serbian cuisine. It is so widespread in Serbia that we can call it one of the symbols of Serbian cuisine. This is a very simple pastry made from filo dough, white cheese and eggs. Sometimes referred to as a guzvara, because of the way it is prepared. For Vuk...
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Daily Journal: April 15, 2018

Posted By clifhaley 773 days ago on Humor - Well, it’s official: I like corn. It’s taken me years to do it, but I can honestly say now that I like corn. Corn on the cob. Creamed corn. Whole kernel corn. I don’t know why I didn’t like corn for so long. It’s sort of sad, really. All those years I’ve missed enjoying corn. […]
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Imam Bayildi

Posted By WorldFoodStory 1694 days ago on Humor - Imam Bayildi is a traditional Turkish dish made from eggplant stuffed with vegetables and topped with olive oil. The stuffing is mostly made from tomatoes, garlic, parsley, onions and herbs. It can be served hot or cold and is most often served as an appetiser or part of an appetiser mix called meze. Imam Bayildi...
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Shish Kebab

Posted By WorldFoodStory 1732 days ago on Humor - Shish kebab is one of the most famous traditional Turkish dishes. It is so widespread in Turkey, that there are numerous variations, depending on the region. Traditionally it is made from lamb, but sometimes it comes from beef, chicken, and veal. The name shish kebab originates from the Turkish words şiş which means sword or...
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Don’t shop without reading this. Nine things retail workers would love to tell you (but can’t) this Black Friday.

Posted By intergalacticbiz 1656 days ago on Humor - Click or be Friday's fool... [...]

If the Dukes of Hazzard had a Smartphone with Google Maps

Posted By clifhaley 1188 days ago on Humor - I was driving today with Google Maps on when my phone dinged and said there was a speed trap ahead. I bet The Dukes of Hazzard would have been pretty boring if Bo and Luke had a speed trap detecting smartphone with them in the General Lee. I also bet it would sound like Waylon […]
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Scotch Pie

Posted By WorldFoodStory 1730 days ago on Humor - Scotch Pie is a traditional Scottish double-crusted pie, usually filled with various spices and minced mutton. It can be also known as mutton pie, shell pie or even football pie. Football pie got its nickname because it was being sold as a kind of fast food at football stadiums. Due to its hard crust, it...
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