New Entertainment

021: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance or That Time Sora Slept In

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1530 days ago on Entertainment - As many of you should be aware of by now, I love me some Kingdom Hearts. I recently did a three post overview explaining the series and the increasingly convoluted storyline. You'll find those posts here, here, and here. I am currently doing a leisurely second play through of Kingdom Hearts III in Critical Mode. I‘m taking my time to really enjoy it. I waited soooo long for that game. I was convinced it was never coming out because of all the delays and lack of info. But it finally came out a year ago, and it was absolutely worth the wait. Kingdom Hearts III, in my opinion, far exceeded the hype. Chasing the trophies for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5, I got seriously into Proud Mode and Critical Mode. (Those are basically Kingdom Hearts version of hard mode.) The Kingdom Hearts games are a

What's The Best MacBook Pro Backpack? (Expert Advice)

Posted By MacCase 1531 days ago on Music - This blog features an interview with legendary music producer and DJ Joseph Watt of Razormaid Productions speaking about how he uses a MacCase backpack to transport his hardware to gigs.

001: Shiny Treasure or That Time SoraRabbit Blogged a Blog

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1535 days ago on Entertainment - Hello internets and people crawling on the internets. Welcome to my blog! Several things have brought me to start this thing. First off, several years ago my then-girlfriend now-wife suggested I try my hand at blogging about video games. Her reasoning was that she likes listening to me talk about the games I’ve played, so maybe others would too. I gave it a shot (more on that later) but didn't keep up with it. But now I find myself at a point where I can give it a more solid attempt. Almost two weeks ago the idea expanded and took hold and refused to let me go. So here I am now. I’ve got my coffee, my overheating laptop, the Final Fantasy IV OST playing for background, and I’m ready to blog the hell out of this blog. (I think that's the right terminology.)So who am I? You can call me Sora

002: SoraRabbit Loves Godzilla

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1536 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back, everyone. I’m very pleased and flattered at the response to my first entry. It will take some time to gather a following, but so far I’ve had more readers than I expected. Now the trick will be in keeping you all coming back.I mentioned last time that this blog will not just be about video games, but rather about anything and everything that catches my interest. This means that quite often there will be some entries that are entirely self-indulgent. (Such as this one.) But hey, that’s what makes it fun for me. And I’ll try to keep it just as fun for all of you. Now, if we’re talking self-indulgence, there would be no better focus for this entry than this. I always used to tell people that Godzilla was my hero. I also told people I wanted to be Godzilla when I grow up. I wond

003: State of the Fandom Address #1

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1536 days ago on Entertainment - I know I said last time that I was going to post my review of King of the Monsters. But on a whim I decided to do an online poll (the first of many) to leave it up to my readers which topic I tackle next. Mario Party won in a landslide (8 to 2). However, I had a pretty bad week, so I was unable to finish that post as planned. I want to make it just right and take some more screenshots. So instead, I came up with an idea for a recurring concept post. Here is the first edition of the State of the Fandom Address!I plan to do these every so often. These will be shorter entries with a bit more of a random feel. I will be talking about items that interest me that may not have enough content for entire posts of their own. Consider them mini-reviews, recommendations, that sort of thing.This has b

004: Star Hoarder or That Time Mario Had a Party

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1536 days ago on Entertainment - As mentioned in my previous post, my first online poll dictated the next subject I would tackle would be Mario Party. So here we go!If you know me, you know I love me some board games. Some of my happiest memories are game nights either at my brother's houses or at my house in our game room. Cocoashade and I have a growing collection of tabletop games.

Our collection.

My love of board games started in childhood, playing games like Monopoly, Sorry, Scrabble, Battleship... and lots more. When I became an adult, my play dropped off quite a bit, but my brothers helped me rediscover my love for tabletop games. I recall being invited to game night where they taught me how to play the Battle

020: SoraRabbit Watches: Ultra Q

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1537 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome to the third entry in the SoraRabbit Watches series. It also happens to be the third entry in my Ultra Series of blog posts. (That's twice as many things as most posts! What value!) In 009 I gave an overview of the Ultra Series. Also in 011, I took a close look at the episode Grow up! Little Turtle. Now I have watched through all 28 episodes of Ultra Q and am ready to give an overview and review of the whole thing.

You got it, Ippei! (Credit: Tsuburaya Productions)

Ultra Q is the first entry in the Ultra Series, and came out in 1966. It was made by Tsuburaya Productions, and developed by Eiji Tsuburaya. It has no real relation to the many, many series that followed it, but it

005: All Hail the King!

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1537 days ago on Entertainment - As promised, here is my review/recap of Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Make yourselves comfortable, it's going to be a long one.First I feel the need to establish something: I don't like critics. This is actually relevant, since for some reason, critics tore apart this latest Godzilla movie. I don't know why I looked. I've been increasingly adverse to reading reviews as the years go on. Sometimes I give in to temptation, especially when it's something I've been looking forward to for several years and a franchise may or may not hang in the balance of how well it does. I loved the first American Godzilla. I, of course, am referring to the Legendary Pictures release of 2014, NOT the Jurassic Park-esque crapfest they did in 1996. I do not consider that to be Godzilla. (I WILL fight you.) On

007: The Worst Vacation or That Time SoraRabbit Played Silent Hill 2 Yet Again

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1538 days ago on Entertainment - As you may be aware, I do take requests on subjects for this blog. Cocoashade's latest request was that I do some Halloween-type stuff. I know she was probably expecting slasher movies or something, but I didn't really plan ahead enough. Next year I hope to have a whole series of horror-related posts in October, so if anyone has suggestions, it's never too early to get those in. I want to have a whole month’s worth of posts next time around.Unprepared or not, I did see the merit in doing a post in honor of the season, however. So I figured why not just go to my old standby. One of my favorite video games of all time... Silent Hill 2.

Serious understatement, Angela. (Credit: Konami)


008: That Time SoraRabbit Figured Out He Knew How to Dance

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1538 days ago on Entertainment - I can't dance. This was a deeply ingrained fact that I would pull out as a shield any time someone asked me to dance. I was too lanky, too tall, lacked rhythm. (I was also deeply self conscious, but that was never used as an excuse.) I just couldn't do it. But recently I discovered that isn't entirely true. Yes, I may be terrible at it, but I actually can dance. And the reason for this is video games. Of course. What other reason could there be?

Dancey dancey. (Credit: Ubisoft)

I will start at the end and then move back to the beginning. (That's the correct order for things, right?) Cocoashade and I were married August 17th. As that date loomed ever closer, I became concerned about my

009: The Legacy of Ultraman

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1538 days ago on Entertainment - This entry is the first of many relating to one of my favorite Japanese creations, the giant alien superhero Ultraman! One of the most enduring and familiar Japanese super heroes of all time is Ultraman. You've likely seen him here and there without even knowing who he is. His most common design is a red and silver body suit, a crystal in his chest, a head that comes to a sort of fin, and alien-esque features.

Strike a pose. (Credit: Tsuburaya Productions)

This will be an overview post going over some of the history of the Ultra series and the impact it's had on pop culture. This will not be a complete picture, but I'll do what I can. There's way too much to cover in one post. (Which

010: That Time SoraRabbit Got Some X-Men Comics

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1539 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back everyone. I have a comic book review for you this time around. This entry is a continuation of Post 003 where I briefly discussed House of X and Powers of X. This one will be much less brief, but it *will* be filled to the brim with spoilers. So if you plan on reading these series, I would recommend coming back afterwards so I don't wreck all the many twists and turns.And hoo boy are there a lot of twists and turns. This is a very massive and well-crafted story. The two limited series that comprise the tale are House of X and Powers of X. (Pronounced "ten" for reasons that become apparent in issue one.) The two series are considered two halves of a whole and should be read in the order laid out in the checklist at the back of each issue. Do not read House 1-6 in that order. I

011: SoraRabbit Watches: Grow up! Little Turtle

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1539 days ago on Entertainment - Okay, remember the post I recently did about the Ultra Series? Well, I'm working on an entire post for Ultra Q, but in my review of the episodes, I came across what I believe to be one of the two most bonkers episodes in the series. (Of course, I'm not all the way through yet, so prove me wrong, Ultra Q. Prove me wrong!) So I figured this would be the perfect first installment of my new series SoraRabbit Watches. My intention with these posts is to give a summary of an episode or season of television and my thoughts on it. (Any ensuing snark is done with love.) I am currently working on full season reviews of three shows. One, obviously, is Ultra Q. The others will remain surprises for now. In my Ultra Q post I'll fill you all in on the premise and characters. You don't need to know much

012: SoraRabbit Watches: Star Wars The Clone Wars Season One

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1539 days ago on Entertainment - The release of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker is upon us. I'm very excited, and I wanted to do something Star Wars related for my blog. However, Star Wars is talked to death and people much more knowledgeable than I have tackled it. I'm not confident that I can add anything new and unique to the commentary. (Aside from going on and on about my favorite theory where Jar Jar is a secret Sith Lord who orchestrated the rise of the Empire. Think about it. It makes a scary amount of sense.)

Because we must never forget. (Credit: Disney)

Still, I want to do something. With the release of Disney+ I found myself with a couple of options. The Mandalorian is still being aired, so I'm not ready for

013: State of the Fandom Address #2

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1540 days ago on Entertainment - The tumultuous 2019 is rapidly coming to a close and it seems like a good time for another State of the Fandom Address. Just in case you don't recall, these Addresses are my way of giving you short bite-sized chunks of delicious pop culture goodness without the meal-spoiling fullness of a regular sized post. (Hmm, I just *may* be hungry...) As I mentioned in my first Clone Wars post, I don't feel confident enough for a full-on review of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but I figure I can manage a brief, spoiler-free review since Cocoa and I just went and saw it this morning and my mind is still buzzing from the end of the saga. I can also talk about a couple of other things while we're at it. Here we go!

My watc

014: SoraRabbit Does a Christmas Special - Penguin Edition

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1540 days ago on Entertainment - You all get a surprise bonus post before the end of the year! I have several Christmas-themed posts I'd like to do, but I figured I would space those out. (I kind of set a break neck pace for the end of the year anyway and I've run out of time.) I did want to do one this year, so the first one that came to mind was my favorite holiday special of all time, 1991's A Wish For Wings That Work.

Poor little bird and his gimpy little wing-arms. (Credit: Amblin Television)

The concept is quite simple. Opus is a penguin who wishes he could fly like other birds. Opus is voiced by Micheal Bell, who I think is perfect casting. His voice comes through gentle and earnest, which fits the character of

015: SoraRabbit Plays: Marvel Champions

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1540 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to The SoraRabbit Hole-- a pop culture positivity blog, now spanning two decades! This is the first installment of my new series, SoraRabbit Plays. In this series I will take a look at tabletop games that I enjoy. I'll talk about rules, mechanics, comparisons to other games, and review the game and any expansions I may have collected. (I'm big on expansions.) Keep in mind that I am by no means an expert. All my observations will be painted by my personal taste and personal gaming experiences. (Not that that's a bad thing. You may be able to benefit from my point of view.) For the first edition of this feature, I will be looking at one of the newest games in our ever-growing collection, the living card game from Fantasy Flight released in late 2019, Marvel Champions The Card

016: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 1

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1541 days ago on Entertainment - As should be evident by my internet handle, I really love Kingdom Hearts. How much do I love it? Well, I'll just say this: I wore Sora socks at my wedding and walked into our reception wielding a homemade Keyblade that Cocoashade and I worked on together. Instead of a wedding cake we had cookies in the shape of Paopu Fruit. All that should tell you what you need to know. I have several posts planned about some of the individual games in the series, but I know the best way to tackle something like this is to start with an overview post. So this entry will be explaining the Kingdom Hearts series, my history with it, and discussing the (admittedly) overly complex story line that has unfolded over the past 18 years. This is a pretty big undertaking. Kingdom Hearts started out very simple, th

017: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 2

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1541 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to my three part overview of the Kingdom Hearts series. In the first installment I explained some of the characters, terms, and concepts. In this one, I'll get into the individual games a bit. Each of these games deserve their own posts (I'm working on posts for Part III and Dream Drop Distance now) but we'll see where I go with this down the road. As I said last time there's so much going on in the Kingdom Hearts series that it would take more than three posts, but I'm going to get into as much as I can.

Stupid wizards. (Credit: Square Enix, Disney)

In these posts, I'll do a quick summary, not going too in depth on the gameplay mechanics and differences between the games. I

018: Untangling the Kingdom Hearts Saga Part 3

Posted By SoraRabbit77 1541 days ago on Entertainment - Welcome back to my massive overview of the Kingdom Hearts series. In Part 1 I went over the characters and concepts. In Part 2 I went over the first three games, two of which were numbered installments. This will be the rest of the games to this point. Just bear in mind that I will be very sparse in my details on Dream Drop Distance and Part III because those will be later posts.

This is wildly unsafe. (Credit: Square Enix, Disney)

After Kingdom Hearts II we had several side games while we waited for the next numbered installment. Although these were side games, they were incredibly important and vital to the plot. (They were also fun games in their own right.)