Niche blogs are easy to rank, when compared to general content blogs. Being niche, helps to keep the focus of the content restricted to a particular topic. This way, the blog becomes more targeted, which results in getting more relevant links and ultimately the blog becomes an authority on its niche.

All this is great for rankings. Search engines like content which is written by niche experts, they like backlinks which comes from highly relevant sources and they value in-depth articles that are detailed and have a lot of insights.

While having a niche blog does bend everything in our favor, it still needs a lot of hard work before it starts to rank and compete for keywords and long tails.

Here, in this article, we will discuss several niche blogging tips to boost your rankings.

1. Stay as niche as possible: A niche blog only makes sense if the content that you publish is stictly restricted to the same niche. If you start posting any article which isn’t on topic then the niche dilutes and the benefits of being on the niche dissapears.

If you have already posted content that isn’t on your niche then it is best to remove that content and post it on a general blog that you might own. Re-direct the article URL to the new post so that the link juice isn’t wasted.

2. Hire Experts for Content Writing: If you have started a niche blog in your area of expertise then you can simply mention that you are an expert on your niche with possible educational qualifications and that you are simply sharing your professional experience. However, this might not be the case for most niche bloggers. This is where you can hire freelancers who are an expert on your niche. For example, if you are looking for health and medical content then you might look for doctors who are working as freelance writers.

3. Network with other Niche Bloggers: Everything from getting targeted niche backlinks to getting mentions from niche influencers start with your blogging networking. Most bloggers are good with their networking skill. The process starts with posting good comments on the target bloggers posts. Slowly, make sure to share their content on your timelines and other social media websites. Once you have made your presence known, it is time to reach out to your fellow niche blogger and ask for some favors.

4. Use Expert Quotes with-in Content: Niche content needs to be strong and resourceful. Simply writing articles won’t help, the content has to be good quality with a lot of relevant information. One way to make an article stand out and have valuable insights is to contact some niche experts and ask them some question. Once you have their answers, make quotes out of their answers and post them along with your blog posts.

These quotes by niche experts and influencers can be made even more attractive by making an image out of these quotes. Canva or any other similar program can easily make beautiful quote designs by choosing an attractive template.

5. Publish Niche Reports: Conduct surveys and take feedback from a lot of people and publish those reports on your blog. One can easily achieve this by doing some outreach to your niche experts. There are tons of niche influencers on the social media whom one can easily send an outreach message.

6. Participate in Niche roundups: Roundups are yet another method to get a quick and relevant backlink. If the roundup post goes live on a strong niche blog then along with the link value, some targeted traffic and social media followers are surely going to add up.

The easiest way to get started with niche roundups is to search for such roundups on the internet. Once you find the roundup posts, send an email to the roundup creator and see if you can participate in the existing roundup and get notified for the future roundup opprotunities.

7. Check for Interview Opportunities: Interviews are yet another method to get some niche visibility. In an interview, along with getting link value, social media shares and followers and a number of other benefits, you can also establish yourself as a reputed expert on your niche.

For getting started with interview opportunities, simply search for existing interviews on the internet. When you find some relevant interviews on niche blogs, simply reach out to the blogs hosting those interviews and ask them if you can participate on your upcoming interviews.

8. Make a List of LongTail Keywords: While running a niche blog, you must have already figured out that longtail keywords are the best way to grow and rank for various terms on your category. However, simply knowing won’t help. The best way to approach longtails is to make a list. Once you have a long list of long tail keywords, start making article titles that covers one longtail key phraze.

Niche Blog

This way, once enough articles are posted on your blog where each article targets one relevant longtail keyword, your ranking will start to improve and you will start to see a positive growth in your organic traffic.

9. Write huge and in-depth Guides: One way to boost your rankings is to write really good articles. If your article is a complete and total guide which covers the topic well then people will spend more time on it, they will consume your content better and share it further. All these are positive ranking factors and it will help your article to outrank your competitors.

10. Connect with Niche Influencers on Social Media: Social media is a gold mine for bloggers and marketers. Whatever be your niche, you are bound to get some influencers with a dedicated following, ready to promote your content. Niche influencers have a lot of social media strength and if you are able to connect with them in a good way and make yourself known then chances are that they will share your content.

Everyday, with more and more blogs and niche content getting posted on the internet, ranking for competitive niche terms is becoming almost impossible. This is where you can follow the above tips and slowly and steadily rank for niche keywords.

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