13 Tips to Grow your Blog for Free

Growing a blog is much like growing a tree. It can be done for free; all you need is regular watering, perhaps adding some compost and occasionally look into weed management. All of it is free as the nature already provides everything; all you need is some effort and hard work from your end. Similarly, …

14 Online Reputation Management Tips for 2023 and Beyond

In the heavily active world of social media, any business or individual isn’t alone. Even if you aren’t involved, perhaps you don’t even have an online presence, still your brand will be mentioned, discussed and criticized on the social media. In such a case if you aren’t able to actively monitor your brand’s mentions on …

12 Tips to Write Good Content in 2023

As a blogger or digital marketer, one skill that you will always require is content writing. Whether you are writing content for your blog posts, or guest posts and articles for other content marketing activities, the core skill that you will require is writing good content. Content writing skills don’t happen overnight, it requires practice …

13 Practical Content Marketing Tips for 2023

If there is one thing the marketers have learnt over the ages, it is about how much more content is effective, compared to advertisement. Be it an advertisement campaign, a research data, white papers, tools and plugins, pretty much anything which is effective is in the form of valuable content. If the same content or …

12 New and Unique ways to Build Links

As a blogger, you are constantly trying to rank for keywords and writing articles targeting various long tail keywords and doing all the optimizations to make sure it ranks. In this process, one of the most difficult aspects of ranking an article is building relevant links to it. When it comes to link value, if …

Squidix Web Hosting Review – An Amazing Webhost

Having a good web host is the key to running a successful online business. Whatever be your niche, blogging, ecommerce website, digital products, everything requires an always live website. A good webhost is much more than being online 24*7. It should be able to handle surge traffic, should be secure enough to keep hackers away, …

10 Tips to Boost the Ranking of your Niche Blog

Niche blogs are easy to rank, when compared to general content blogs. Being niche, helps to keep the focus of the content restricted to a particular topic. This way, the blog becomes more targeted, which results in getting more relevant links and ultimately the blog becomes an authority on its niche. All this is great …

15 Tips to Flawlessly Run a Co-operative Blogging Network

The best way to determine if a blog is successful or not, is to check the strength and the reach of its network. A blogging network consists of various channels like the traffic on the blog, the reach and the follower strength of its social media channels, the number of subscribers of the newsletter etc. …

8 Blogging Productivity Tips to Get More Work Done

Everyone has the same twenty four hours in a day and yet some people manage to get more work done, manage to spare some time for life and finally even manages to get some rest and sleep. It might sound like some insane calculations but it is ultimately all about time management. There are no …

11 Activity Hobby sub niches to start a Blog in 2023

Blogging is more fun if you blog on things that interests you. That way, you will post your blog entries like an expert who live the same niche life 24 by 7. If you try to learn your niche and research your way through then at some point of time you will run out of …