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The simplicity of Haydn’s C major sonata, Hob. XVI:48

Posted By ArielLanyi 1232 days ago on all - If a hyper-intelligent Martian who never heard music in his life and had no notion of the concept, five minutes after landing on Earth were made to listen to Haydn's C major sonata Hob. XVI:48, he would reach two conclusions based on the sound patterns he heard: (a) that something very simple is going on here, and (b) that there's a great deal of sophistication in this simplicity. A year later, that same Martian, after having listened to all of the piano output of Mozart and Beethoven, Schubert, Schuman, and Brahms, Chopin and Liszt, Debussy, Ravel, and Bartok, etc., would still insist that Haydn's C major sonata is one breathtaking piece of music, in its subtle simplicity.

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