If you have ever faced that cross road, where you weren’t sure if you should go niche or make a wider audience blog, sort of like a general blog?

Those bloggers who have chosen niche and especially a niche that is focused and deep with plenty of options to come up with enough content everyday are the ones that are successful today. General content blogs can cover anything but that way you never become an expert on anything in particular.

Niche blogging can be both fruitful and easy to continue if you are an expert on your niche, but it will be equally difficult if you are simply trying to research your way forward.

Here, in this article, we will discuss several unique niche blogging tips.

1. Choose your niche properly: This is the first step of niche blogging. If you aren’t careful enough while choosing your niche, a lot of effort will go in vain. The secret here is to choose a niche where you are an expert and you enjoy creating content on that niche. But this is still not enough, because the niche has to be wide enough for regular content flow and it should be important enough to get a lot of searches and advertiser attention as well.

2. Start a deep research on your niche: Before doing anything, start a deep research on your niche by reading a lot of books on your niche. Do off line reading, look for proper authors who have credibility on your selected niche and start reading their books. It is ok if you have spent a few months doing some heavy reading and research on your niche. This time is an investment which will help you in the years of blogging ahead.

Understand this clearly that online reading alone isn’t enough, because a lot of online content is researched and re-hashed by writers who do not have any expertise on the niche. On the other hand, books written and published by proper niche experts are on a whole new level.

3. Choose your domain carefully: Simply putting a lot of keywords in your domain name isn’t always the right way forward. Think about the niche relevancy and branding at the same time. The domain name has many more purposes than just to rank for a particular keyword. A good domain name looks good on the signboards, banners and letter heads. You will be associated with your domain in more ways than you can imagine. Spend enough time to do your domain Justice that it truly deserves.

4. Start your email Newsletter on the very first day: People do make the mistake of not starting with an email newsletter from day one. Think of the leads that you are going to lose if you don’t have the email list ready from the very first day. However, having a signup box is only a start. You should spend enough time and create a month long auto-responder series at the very least. This way, when someone subscribe to your emails, they won’t have to wait for days before your newsletter starts. People are busy and they forget too soon, if they signup and nothing reaches them in a day or two, they will forget all about you. In time when you start delivering your emails, they will be surprised to get an email from someone that they don’t recognize and your emails will be marked as spam.

5. Connect with your readers and build a community: Your early blog visitors are your best marketers and supporters. If you are able to keep them busy by coming up with regular content, replying them on your comments section and social media profiles, they will help you in spreading your content.

A new blog has low traffic, the rankings on the search engines are on the lower side, you don’t have a huge following on the social media yet. At times like this, the only few people who are visiting your blog are your only options for growth. If you are able to connect with this initial audience, it will help your blog to grow really quickly.

6. Keyword research and article titles: Before starting, make sure to do enough keyword research, have plenty of long tails in your bag, lots of potential article titles written and lined up in the pipeline. Then the next step is to have hundreds of article outline ready for blog posts, article posting, social media content, guest post content etc. Finally, have at least a few dozen articles, totally ready to be posted right away.

Once you begin your niche blog, you will be busy and won’t have a lot of time in your hand to write articles. This is the reason why you should prepare your content in advance and be ready with plenty of scheduled blog posts in your blog dashboard.

7. Post regular articles: Now that everything is ready, it is time to get serious with your niche blogging efforts. Before starting, you must have already scheduled content on your blog dashboard and social media timelines for months in advance. This will help you get started with a strong and stable foundation. However, do note that the time runs fairly quickly and before you realize your scheduled content queue has started to get thinner by the day.

Unique Niche Blogging Tips

At times like this, there are basically three ways to fix this issue. The first option is to start writing content yourself actively which isn’t a difficult option if you had spent your time researching your niche as suggested above. The next option is to hire freelancers who are an expert on your niche. Depending on the niche, it might be difficult to hire writing talents that meets your criteria but if you do manage to get skilled people at reasonable rates then it might be an option to explore. Ultimately, the last option is to allow guest posting and get free content. The only problem here is the content quality, if you do manage to get guest posters who can deliver in quality then this option might work as well.

Niche blogging isn’t rocket science, unless that is your selected niche. It is ultimately all about hard work and research. Your invested time in your niche will be your greatest asset for the future.

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