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Why Water in the U.S Tastes Like Chlorine in the Month of March

Posted By livingwater 1543 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - U.S. residents may have experienced a change in the taste of their water recently and with it a change in colour that ultimately indicates certain levels of chlorine. There has also been a change in the smell of tap water in the first two weeks of March, which has raised concern for the quality of [...]
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Lack of Water Compliance in the Western Cape Could Result in Fines

Posted By livingwater 1544 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Currently, residents in the Western Cape are at risk of being issued heavy fines due to their lack of compliance regarding daily water usage. Even though Cape Town managed to beat day zero, leaving residents without hope in 2018, it recovered in 2019 when dams in the Western province was filled once more. However, just [...]
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The Venice Canals Clear Up After Two Weeks of Quarantine in Italy

Posted By livingwater 1545 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Covid-19 may have swept through the world, particularly through Europe and Asia, causing complete havoc and presents itself as though there isn’t any hope to be found. However, there may just be an upside to the entire ordeal. Who would’ve thought a global pandemic would at least have an upside? Well, after Italians have been [...]
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Is There a Right and a Wrong Way to Drink Water?

Posted By livingwater 1593 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Since we need water to survive, one of the most important and helpful things we need to know is how and when to consume it. It sounds stupid, right? Don't drink water at this time of the day, or don't drink it to fast. However, studies have revealed that drinking too much water, especially all [...]
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Why Drinking Room Temperature Water is Preferred for Your Health

Posted By livingwater 1594 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Ice cold water affects the body and so does warm water. People living in different parts of the world are either drinking cold water or warm water. Either way, it’s considered you’re the best drink for your body and your body also appreciates plenty of it. So, now all we have to figure out is [...]
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Can Brazil’s Water Quality Be Restored?

Posted By livingwater 1595 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - There are a few countries in South America that have experienced some of the worst water scarcity and contaminated water cases in recent years, one of which is Sao Paolo. In this popular city of Brazil, there is a toxic river, which is more like a moat with waste flowing from domestic sewage systems and [...]
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Where Does New Zealand Get Their Freshwater From

Posted By livingwater 1596 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - New Zealand is known as one of the best-to-live-in and safest countries in the world. It's also considered one of the countries with the most hands-on governments, which surely takes care of its people and what they need. One of those needs is indeed water. Water is a basic need. Water surrounds countries in the [...]
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What Impact Does Climate Change Have on the World’s Water Resources?

Posted By livingwater 1598 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - Climate change is a reality the entire earth faces today. It is something that continues to worsen with time, particularly each year, and has become so severe that temperatures have increased and broken records in 2019. Warming temperatures have a very negative effect on the entire planet, and along with affecting the people in countries [...]
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How Cigarette Buds Are More Dangerous for the Ocean Than Plastic Straws

Posted By livingwater 1602 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - In the past few years, there has been a massive decrease in the production of plastic straws. Instead, it has been replaced with alternatives, including paper, metal, and glass straws. Restaurants have even come up with alternative straws like pasta straws, in the effort to reduce plastic waste that reaches the ocean. Even though a [...]
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Water Supply Cuts Due to Maintenance in Johannesburg

Posted By livingwater 1603 days ago on Health

https://www.living-water.co.uk - In the past week, there have been water supply cuts in regions of Johannesburg, with warning signal messages that water supply restoration may take longer than anticipated. From the 21st of January, Lenasia South residents are set to be without water. Maintenance is currently underway in affected areas, including in Vlakfontein, Lehae, Finetown, Zakaria Park, [...]
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