
Joined June 15, 2021

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Preferred Stocks: A Deeper Dive (Comparison to Common Stocks & Bonds)

Posted By eBrandMe 575 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Preferred stocks combine elements of common stock and bonds, they lack voting rights but have a dividend and precedence over common stocks which is attractive for investors who prioritize income through dividend yields.

Leonardo da Vinci: Painter, Architect, Engineer, Philosopher, Mathematician, and Scientist

Posted By eBrandMe 577 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Today’s LinkedIn newsletter features Leonardo da Vinci, the illegitimate son of Ser Piero da Vinci and Caterina. He is one of the greatest minds of the Italian Renaissance.

Common Stocks: A Deeper Dive (Voting Rights, Risks, Dividends)

Posted By eBrandMe 582 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - This week, we’ll go further into common stocks. Generally available on public stock markets, they’re easy to purchase and are what most people think of when talking about stocks.

Florence Lowe "Pancho" Barnes: America’s First Female Stunt Pilot

Posted By eBrandMe 584 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - Pancho Barnes was Hollywood’s first female stunt pilot. Her pilot's license, number 3522, was signed by Orville Wright. In 1930, she broke Amelia Earhart's air speed record and assumed the title of World’s Fastest Woman.

Toussaint L’Ouverture & the Haitian Revolution

Posted By eBrandMe 591 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Today’s LinkedIn newsletter features Toussaint L’Ouverture, one of the leaders of the Haitian Revolution which was started in part by generations of abuse at the hands of French colonizers.

How To Start Investing: Goals, Risk Tolerance, and Investment Securities

Posted By eBrandMe 596 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Before you start investing, make sure you have a manageable budget, a reliable emergency fund and that you've eliminated high-interest credit card debt.

Ruth Rowland Nichols: Pioneer in American Aviation

Posted By eBrandMe 597 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - A founding member of the Ninety-Nines and a Women’s Air Derby racer, Nichols became one of the best-known American women in aviation, proving women’s ability to push unknown aeronautical frontiers.

Hypoallergenic Earrings for Sensitive Ears & Metal Allergies

Posted By eBrandMe 598 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - Metal hypersensitivity, also called allergic contact dermatitis, is one of the most common types of skin allergies and affects 10% to 15% of the US population. Look for hypoallergenic jewelry like the handcrafted beaded earrings by beYOUteous.

How Do You Sell Your Purchased Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Posted By eBrandMe 603 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - One reason that you may decide to sell your NFT is because it appreciated in value. When calculating your possible profit or loss on the sale, remember to include gas fees, marketplace listing fees, and royalties paid to the original creator.

Genghis Khan: Founder of the Mongol Empire

Posted By eBrandMe 605 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Genghis Khan united Mongol tribes and carved out the largest contiguous land empire in world history, introduced writing to the Mongols, created their first law code, promoted trade and granted religious freedom by permitting all religions to be freely practiced.

Joan of Arc: “A Useless, Infamous, Dishonored Woman”

Posted By eBrandMe 612 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - Joan of Arc was born in the village of Domrémy during the series of conflicts which we now call the Hundred Years War. Her military career lasted between April 1429 to May 1430 when she was captured by troops loyal to John of Luxembourg.

How Do You Purchase Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Posted By eBrandMe 617 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - The Ethereum blockchain holds over 90% of the market share in terms of hosting Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Some things to consider when making your purchase include the history of its ownership, and whether, once owned, the NFT could be used to generate income.

Martin Luther: A Vow to St. Anna and the Protestant Reformation

Posted By eBrandMe 619 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Today’s Notable People in History newsletter features Martin Luther who led the Protestant Movement with the publication of the 95 Theses, criticizing the Catholic church for allowing people to purchase a certificate of pardon for the punishment of their sins.

Emily Greene Balch: Peace As A Women's Issue

Posted By eBrandMe 626 days ago on all

https://www.beyouteous.com - Emily Greene Balch was a social worker, reformer, peace activist and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1946. She founded the Women’s International Committee for Permanent Peace, later known as the Women’s International League for Peace of Freedom (WILFP).

Mining Cryptocurrencies: Proof of Stake vs. Proof of Work

Posted By eBrandMe 631 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Since cryptocurrencies are decentralized and not under the control of financial institutions, proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-work (PoW) are the two most common types of consensus mechanisms used for mining.

Benjamin Franklin: Founding Father, Inventor, Author, Printer, Postmaster

Posted By eBrandMe 633 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Among Benjamin Franklin's favorite books were John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Plutarch's Lives, Daniel Defoe's Essay on Projects, and Cotton Mather's Bonifacius: An Essay to Do Good, Joseph Addison and Richard Steele's essays in the British publication The Spectator.

Blockchain: Valuing Cryptocurrencies & Cryptoassets + Survival Checklist

Posted By eBrandMe 638 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - While there are more than 20,000 cryptocurrencies in circulation, fewer than 100 will have any value in the long run. What methods can be used to value those that have a chance to prosper long-term.

Autherine Lucy: Separate Educational Facilities are Inherently Unequal

Posted By eBrandMe 640 days ago on Personal

https://www.beyouteous.com - On September 4, 1952, before Brown v. Board of Education case was issued, she and friend, Mollie Ann Meyers, sent their applications to the University of Alabama. Realizing that Lucy and Myers were African American, on September 20, 1952, were told that the university had made a mistake and not welcome. Lucy fought the situation in court with the NAACP for almost three years and won on June 29, 1955.More