Published Blogs Health

The Importance of a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  
Getting enough sleep is crucial for our overall health and well-being. However, it's not just the amount of sleep we get that matters, but also the consistency of our sleep schedule. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is essential for our bodies to function optimally. Here are some reasons why:

Regulates our internal body clock: Our bodies have a natural 24-hour internal clock called the circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep-wake cycle, hormones, and metabolism. A consistent sleep schedule helps our body clock to stay in sync, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day.

2. Improves sleep quality: When we keep a consistent sleep schedule, our body gets used to the routine, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. This leads to better sleep quality, which is essential for our overall health and well-being. There are many herbal extracts that can assist in falling and staying asleep such as Enerhealth Botanical's Sleep Right Herbal Extract and Hemp Sleep Formula.

3. Enhances daytime performance: Adequate and consistent sleep can improve our cognitive function, including memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. This can enhance our productivity, creativity, and overall performance during the day.

4. Reduces the risk of sleep disorders: Inconsistent sleep patterns can disrupt our circadian rhythm, leading to sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. By maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, we can reduce the risk of developing these conditions.

In conclusion, a consistent sleep schedule is essential for our overall health and well-being. It regulates our body clock, improves sleep quality, enhances daytime performance, and reduces the risk of sleep disorders. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize and maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure optimal health and well-being.

If you are still are not convinced here are 10 additional benefits of consistent sleep: 
1. May help maintain or lose weight
2. Can improve athletic performance
3. May improve focus and concentration
4. May decrease risk of developing heart disease
5. Improves mood and reduces stress
6. Improves decision making 
7. Strengthens immune system
8. Improved energy levels 
9. Steadier blood sugar
10. Improved social interactions 


Thalassemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Mar 24, 2024 - Health - Thalassemia is a genetically inherited blood disorder, characterized by the production of an abnormal form of hemoglobin - the protein in red blood cells responsible...

Freeze Dried vs Spray Dried Instant Coffee

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What is Instant Coffee?
Instant coffee is where coffee meets convenience. It is a powder derived from brewing ground coffee beans. After brewing, the water is removed from the extract to make dry fragments or powder, both of which dissolve when added to water. There are two main ways to make instant coffee, spray-drying and freeze-drying. 
Instant coffee was invented in New Zealand in 1890 and accounts for approximately 25% of all retail brewed coffee worldwide. 
You might also see instant coffee called: 

Soluble coffee
Coffee crystals
Coffee powder
Granulated coffee

Spray Dried vs Freeze Dried Instant Coffee
Freeze-dried and spray-dried instant coffees are two popular methods for producing soluble coffee powder. While they both aim to achieve convenience and quick preparation, there are differences in the production processes and resulting characteristics.

Freeze-dried: A type of coffee brewed from a concentrated coffee syrup frozen in a high-vacuum environment. 
Spray-dried: A type of coffee that is treated with a drying process in order to remove all the water from the coffee beans leaving behind a concentrated form of coffee.

What is the Difference?
Production Process:

Freeze-dried: In this method, freshly brewed coffee is rapidly frozen to a very low temperature. The frozen coffee is then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the ice crystals formed during freezing are directly converted into vapor (sublimation) without going through a liquid state. The remaining dry coffee solids are then collected and packaged. To be noted, this process takes more time by a matter of days compared to spray dried coffee. Thus, freeze dried is a higher quality but more expensive product. 
Typically, in the freeze drying process employed at Enerhealth Botanicals using lower heat settings to preserve more of the flavors and aromas, but also preserving the therapeutic value of the medicinal mushrooms. The high heat of spray drying can ‘unfold’ the long chain polysaccharides and reduce the therapeutic value.
Spray-dried: This process involves spraying a concentrated coffee extract into a hot air chamber. The hot air rapidly evaporates the liquid, leaving behind dry coffee particles, which are then collected. Spray drying is highly beneficial to the producer as it enables a company to take coffee concentrates and spray dry them very fast.  This process for mushroom infused coffees can ‘uncouple’ the long chain polysaccharides and reduce the medicinal values.
Flavor and Aroma:

Freeze-dried: This method generally preserves the natural flavors and aromas of coffee better due to the minimal exposure to high temperatures. The freeze-drying process helps retain the volatile compounds responsible for the characteristic coffee flavor, resulting in a more aromatic and flavorful cup of instant coffee.
I actually don’t like ‘instant coffee’ as a rule BUT the product produced by Enerhealth Botanicals is very tasty and I use it when I am in a hurry or just need a one cup pick me up! It is as close to drip coffee as one can get, I think.
Spray-dried: The high-temperature exposure during spray drying can cause some flavor loss. Although efforts are made to retain the coffee's desirable qualities, the final product may not have the same level of richness and aromatic complexity as freeze-dried instant coffee. Most of the instant coffees you have had in the U.S. were probably spray dried UNLESS specifically noted on the label.  In Europe almost all the instant coffees are freeze dried although you occasionally encounter spray dried products there as well.
Solubility and Texture:
Freeze-dried: Freeze-dried coffee tends to have a more porous structure, which enhances its solubility. It dissolves quickly and easily in hot water, resulting in a smooth and consistent cup of coffee with minimal residue. The product at Enerhealth is 100% water soluble.
Spray-dried: Spray-dried coffee particles are generally denser and may take slightly longer to dissolve completely. However, modern spray-drying techniques have improved solubility, and the difference in texture between the two methods is relatively minimal.
Having said that, spray-dried is still not completely soluble when it comes to instant coffees with mushrooms. Many companies blend two powders, instant coffee with mushroom powders and depending upon the producer of the powders they tend to ‘clump’ up in hot water.
Freeze-dried: Freeze-dried coffee often retains the shape and structure of the original coffee granules, although they become lighter and more brittle. The individual particles are usually larger and have a more irregular shape. The product produced by Enerhealth Botanicals has a finer texture than most competing brands of freeze dried coffee, largely due to the process of freeze drying the mushroom extracts with the liquid coffee producing a uniform powder.
Spray-dried: Spray-dried coffee is typically finer in texture and appears as a homogeneous powder. The particles are smaller, more uniform, and have a smoother appearance
Both spray dried and freeze-dried coffees are both very convenient. The preference of one over the other depends upon one’s taste preference and budget, as freeze dried coffee is more expensive due to length of the freeze drying process. 
Freeze-dried instant coffee generally offers a more pronounced flavor and aroma, while maintaining the convenience offered by spray-dried. When it comes to mushroom infused freeze dried coffees, not only is taste, appearance and convenience important but also solubility. No one wants a clumpy looking product in their cup of coffee.
Why Enerhealth Botanical's Freeze Dried Instant Coffee?
Our Freeze Dried Product is very different from what is available on the market today. Most companies are blending an instant coffee, spray and sometimes freeze dried, with powdered extracts of medicinal mushrooms-generally mycelium based extracts. 
Our Freeze Dried Instant Coffee is made from ‘scratch’. We take coffee concentrates from Columbia and our own, in-house dual extracts of the fruiting bodies of the mushroom and combine the liquids then freeze dry them together to give you the highest quality, consistent dosages, and fully water soluble instant coffee available today!

Strategies for Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits for Optimal Energy Levels

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Living a healthy lifestyle is important for achieving optimal energy levels, and one of the most effective ways to maintain healthy body and mind is through healthy eating habits. Establishing healthy eating habits not only helps to improve overall energy levels, but also helps to prevent a number of health problems. Here are some strategies for maintaining healthy eating habits for optimal energy levels.

To start, be sure to make healthy food choices. Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into your diet and avoid processed foods, fried foods, and sugary snacks. When shopping at the grocery store, try to stick to the perimeter of the store, where you can find the freshest produce and lean proteins. Also, be sure to check food labels for added sodium, sugar and fat content. You can also supplement with ‘Green Superfoods’ such as Enerfood and organic dried grains, pulses and seeds that are in our organic food pail. You can also order your groceries online beforehand, and then pick them up from the store. Eliminating the chance of grabbing any off list sweet snacks. 

It is also important to practice portion control. Eating more than you need can lead to excess weight gain and can cause your body to feel sluggish and tired. To prevent overeating, create smaller portion sizes and try to eat slowly and mindfully. This will help you to pay attention to when you are full and prevent you from overfilling your plate.

Finally, be sure to drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush out toxins and helps to keep your body hydrated, which can help to improve energy levels. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day and avoid sugary drinks, such as soda and energy drinks.
By following these strategies, you can maintain healthy eating habits for optimal energy levels. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help to keep your body and mind functioning at its best, leading to improved energy levels and overall health.

Does Fasting Mean No Water: Can You Stay Hydrated Without Water?

Posted By dddkth on Health - Is fasting without water right for you? Get insights into its impact on weight loss, detoxification, and overall well-being. Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle!
The post Does Fasting Mean No Water: Can You Stay Hydrated Without Water? appeared first on Perfect Fasting Now.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Posted By Wellyme on Health - May 21, 2024 - Health - Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, affects social interaction and communication skills. Its causes are still under investigation, with theories suggesting a combination of genetic and environmental...

How to Protect yourself from Allergies this Spring

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Allergies Vs Cold or Fever:
While seasonal allergies and colds share similar symptoms, they have very different causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, Seasonal allergies are immune system responses triggered by exposure to allergens, while colds are caused by viruses. 
Common Types of Spring Allergies:

Spring is here…and so are the seasonal allergies. As the flowers bloom to fruition, they bring along the allergens with them. Some of the most common types of spring allergens include tree, weed and grass pollen. The pollen is released and small pieces can be easily carried by the wind and insects. 

Another common springtime allergy includes molds and mildew spores. Mold thrives in wet places like fallen leaves, grass and rain. It also thrives in warmer places such as the indoors in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Not to mention, mold can grow on plants that have grown during the winter. 
Bites from bugs like mosquitos, bees, wasps, and fleas become more common in the spring time due to the warm weather. 

Symptom Check:
Allergy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a common cold yet they vary based on location and severity. Spring allergens can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion and itchy, watery eyes. 

How to Manage Seasonal Allergies: 
Avoid coming into contact with outside allergens: Controlling your exposure to allergens is one of the best ways to manage your allergies. Using an allergy forecaster can be very helpful as certain weather conditions can increase the severity of allergies. Avoid dry and windy days, as pollen is increased.

Check the pollen count outside by using an allergy forecast
Keep windows and doors closed
Stay indoor when pollen counts are high, dry and windy days, as there is likely in an increase of pollen in the air 
Wear protective clothing when outside

Keep up your hygiene: While it is impossible to completely avoid all allergens, there are many steps you can take when it comes to your personal hygiene that can protect you from allergies.  

Bathe, shower, change clothes after being outdoors
Avoid touching your face eyes and nose
Wash bedding in hot water weekly  
Use zippered allergen impermeable pillow and mattress covers

Keep your air clean: Help reduce the amount of pollen coming into your home by keeping the air clean with air conditioning and dehumidifiers. 

Keep indoor humidity below 50%
Use air conditioning instead of fresh air 
Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry 

Relieve your allergy symptoms: When the allergies do kick in, consider trying natural herbal supplements to lessen the severity of the allergy attack. If your allergy symptoms significantly hinder your daily life, seek consultation from a doctor or allergist for additional help. 

Take natural herbs from Enerhealth Botanicals

Echinosha Elderberry Syrup- A combination of nature's incredible bounty, that can give your immune system a super boost and calm down respiratory passage ways and work to eliminate excessive phlegm.

Nettles Decongesting- Nettle’s herb helps the body deal with the effects of allergens; it works by modulating the body’s inflammatory pathways to support upper respiratory health. This herb also promotes detoxification and healthy blood. 

Honey & Propolis Throat Spray- With resinous propolis and soothing honey, Honey & Propolis Throat Spray coats the throat for long-lasting relief and helps settle coughs. 

Echinacea Blend-  Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness.

2. Consult with doctor