Published Blogs Business

Buying a Used Car? Here’s How To Get The Best Deals

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Are you looking for a used car? It can be tough in this market but thanks to this helpful guide, we have some helpful tips for you to get the best deal!
The post Buying a Used Car? Here’s How To Get The Best Deals appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Problems Of The World Are Caused By Your Obedience.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's easy to blame the psychopaths for all the oppression and chaos we're seeing today. But the problems of the world aren't caused by insane politicians. They're caused by our obedience to them.Fascism and tyranny cannot exist without our compliance.Mass non-compliance will set us free.

Advantages of a Dividend Investing Strategy

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Note from Mr. SR: Some investors are laser-focused on “dividend investing” — which is essentially investing in companies that tend to pay out a higher percentage of dividends to their stockholders. I’m excited to share this post written by my friend from 10 Year Target. He explains the advantages of dividend investing, so you can decide...

How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It's important to keep an even keel these days. Here's how to improve your life and stay positive in these tough times.
The post How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How Many Points Does Your Credit Score Go Down for an Inquiry?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - You know your credit score and you may need to apply for a new credit card, or loan, or a prospective employer may want to run a credit inquiry on you, but you are worried about your score dropping. After all, you’ve heard people tell you your score will drop on each credit inquiry. You may be aski...

$29 an Hour is How Much a Year? Calculate Your Income & Save

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Have you been offered a job that pays $29 an hour, wondering if it is good enough? You may be asking yourself: $29 an hour is how much a year? Let’s determine how much you can earn in a year, month, week, or day, depending on the number of hours you put into the job. ... Read more

Second Home vs Investment Property – What is Your Best Option?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you considering buying an extra property but are not sure how to classify it? There are stark differences between a second home vs investment property, including how you can use them, the available loans, and how they are taxed. You might be planning to classify your next purchase as an investment property, but it...

How To Bring In More Foot Traffic To Your Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In these tough business times, one of the best things you can do is get more foot traffic into your business. Here are some helpful tips to get people coming into your business.
The post How To Bring In More Foot Traffic To Your Business appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

What is Sudden Wealth Syndrome? And How Can You Avoid It?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - C’mon, admit it… Even if you’re super savvy financially, I’m sure you’ve occasionally bought a lottery ticket (or several). I know I have, when the jackpot is so astronomically high that it more than compensates for the next-to-but-not-quite-zero odds of winning the big one. If nothing el...

7 Ways to Save Money (Even When Your Wallet is Empty)

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - When inflation rears its ugly head, you've lost your job, or you're in another one of life's moments, how can you think about bills while covering life's daily costs? Saving money becomes a pipe dream for many when you find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Fascist News Media Lies To Protect Big Pharma.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - [image source: David Avocado Wolfe via Telegram]If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know the covid jabs have caused tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Even Pfizer's own documents reveal nine pages of known side effects (intended effects?) of the experimental goo many have called a bio-weapon. But the fascist news media, owned by the same billionaire globalists who own the pharmaceutical companies and most world governments, is working overtime to mislead the public about all the deaths we're now seeing among the vaccinated. The media's new buzz phrase is "sudden adult death syndrome", used to describe the now all too common instances of people dropping dead for no apparent reason. But rather than tell the truth and put the blame where it should lay, the media is suggesting everyday, ordinary activities are killing people. At first their lame disinformation was merely annoying, but now it's reached the level of total ridiculousness. The image above is a collage of the some of the craziest claims being made to explain away the many tragic deaths that appear to be directly linked to the covid jabs. We laugh to keep from crying.

Famous Warren Buffett Quotes Encompassing 9 Decades Of Wisdom

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Warren Buffett is generally considered one of the best investors of our generation. Aug 30th was Warren Buffet’s 91st birthday. Warren Buffett has voiced his opinion on several topics over the decades in interviews, at the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meetings, and investor letters. While we may not agree with everything he says, there are...

Where Should I Be Spending My Money When Running A Business?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

When you're in business, making sure your capital is properly deployed is key. Find out how best to spend money in your business for maximum return!
The post Where Should I Be Spending My Money When Running A Business? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Financial Advice for New Parents

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Are you about to become a new parent? Congratulations! Here’s the financial advice you’re looking for as your family grows. Managing your own finances is hard enough. When it comes to handling the finances for an entire family, you have to manage a bigger budget which often comes with much l...

FIRE Crossroads 032: Working Nights in Another State – A Sustainable Approach to FI?

Posted By physicianonfire on Finance - The night shift can be difficult for many working parents to handle. As our interviewee today relates, working nights across ... Read more