Published Blogs Finance

Are You Guilty of Ignorance? The 12 Things You Should Know but Probably Don’t

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - While browsing the information pool called the internet, I came across an intriguing question, “what’s some basic knowledge that a scary amount of people don’t know?”  Curiosity piqued, I delved into the top-voted responses, which offered fascinating insights into our society’s gaps in basic knowledge. Join me on this enlightening journey as we explore the intriguing revelations from this thought-provoking discussion. 1. How Antibiotics Work for You The most popular comment on the topic shared is that antibiotics do not work on viruses. Another user shared why they ... Read more

Four Ways to Avoid the Costly Pro-Rata IRS Tax Trap

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Taxes. One of the most hated aspects of personal finance, but without them, we don’t have a country. So, unless you want to get in serious trouble and potentially go to jail, you must pay Uncle Sam his due. The US tax code is infamous for its complexity, resulting in over 510,000 ta...

11 Under-the-Radar Jobs That Can Quietly Make You Richer & the World Better

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - The traditional career landscape is changing. As challenges like climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality become increasingly pressing, unconventional

15 Unconventional Ways People Pinch Pennies

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Countless frugal people take saving money to the extreme, and we're about to learn about them together. From air-drying their laundry to riding their bikes to work, extreme frugality is the best (and arguably the most exhaustive way) to save ... Read More

Money-Saving Secrets from the Great Depression: Frugal Living Tips from the Great Depression That Are Relevant Today

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Trying to be frugal? Maybe try copying some of the habits that people developed during The Great Depression. People during The Great Depression were known ... Read More

These 10 Movies Will Make You Reconsider Everything You Thought You Knew

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Looking for your next brain-busting watch? Recently, someone asked the Internet for movies that will leave you contemplating hidden meanings and questioning what you just saw. Here are the top recommendations. 1. Memento (2000) This psychological thriller starring Guy Pearce is sure to mess with your mind (in a fun way.) One user in the discussion admitted, “I got a headache the first time I saw this movie. I am a wimp with headaches, but I told people the headache was worth it.” A second user joked, “I ... Read more

Most Wealthy People Hire the First Financial Advisor They Meet. Here’s Why You Shouldn’t.

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Love at first sight is something of a romantic cliche, not a money management strategy. Yet, if the behavior of the wealthy is anything to go by, blind commitment in finance is in vogue.  A recent study has uncovered that most wealthy clients decide to work with the very first advisor they mee...

Posting These? Think Twice! 11 Social Media Blunders That Could Cost You Your Job

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - In our interconnected world, social media is an excellent platform for self-expression, sharing experiences, and engaging in conversations. However, the

High-Earning Guilt Trip: Woman Told “Real Friends” Share Wealth and Pay for Everything

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user makes over $350,000 after taxes, and her close friend said she shouldn’t show off her wealth. Instead, she should share it; if she doesn’t, she isn’t a “real friend.” She Got A Remote Sales Job Selling Contracts To Businesses The original poster (OP) got a remote sales job selling business contracts. She...

12 Best States to Live In 2023, According to Experts

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Choosing a place to live is a decision that can greatly impact our lives. The world is full of diverse states, each offering its own set of advantages and opportunities.  In this article, we will explore the 12 best states ... Read More

How To Prioritize Payments And Stay Financially Stable As An Expat Abroad

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Are you jetting off to a new country, ready to embark on an exciting expat adventure? Before you get lost … How To Prioritize Payments And Stay Financially Stable As An Expat Abroad Read More »

14 Mind-Blowingly Stupid Things People Actually Believed Are Real

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I recently saw an online question asking, “What is the dumbest thing people thought is real?” Have you ever wondered how people could believe it’s real? Here are the answers that got the most votes. 1. Photos on Facebook The most upvoted comment on the topic is something about Facebook photos with the statement:  “I will not allow Facebook to sell my photos.” The commenter noted this somehow makes their terms of service invalid. That’s not how it works, of course.  Another user added that this is also ... Read more

Three Easy Ways to Protect Your 401(k) After Leaving Your Job

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Avoid the one mistake people make that can expose your 401(k) money… Do you have a 401(k) account? It’s almost as likely as not. According to Statista , there were 133 million employees in the US in September 2022, and the Investment Company Institute (ICI) says there were 60 mi...

Discounts and Disputes: The Battle Between Landlord and Tenants Over Property Sales

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares a story of her long-time tenants wanting to purchase the home they have been renting for six years. The landlord entertained the idea and had the property appraised. Unfortunately, the selling price was way above what the tenants anticipated. Tenants Wanted a Deep Discount Tenants were furious about how much the...