
Joined February 25, 2022

Published Blogs

Step Mom Refuses To Pay For Her Daughter’s Travel Costs, Is That Fair?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares her situation with her stepdaughter and explains why she no longer wants to pay for her stepdaughter to come to visit. Making the Best of a Bad Situation The original poster (OP) explains that she and her husband have five children. Her oldest two are from a previous marriage, he has...

Fiance Unwilling to Wear Her Engagement Ring Until She Does This

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares he bought his fiance her “dream ring.” But she won’t wear it until she can give him an engagement present of equivalent value. She says it isn’t “fair” that men traditionally pay for their partner’s engagement ring. His Finance Is Independent And Wants Equality The original poster (OP) said his fiance...

You’re Not Lazy, You’re Just Not Motivated: 8 Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - We’ve all been there before, where we choose to do something that we enjoy rather than a chore that isn’t as exciting. We all want to stop procrastinating and get it all done. Unfortunately, finding the motivation to do so doesn’t readily happen even with a tough-love approach. “How to stop procrastinating?“, you ask. Sometimes...

12 Things That Are More Dangerous Than People Realize

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Every day, we navigate a world filled with hidden hazards, often oblivious to the true risks they pose. While some dangers are well-known and widely acknowledged, others lurk beneath the surface, disguised by familiarity or lack of awareness. 1. Sedentary Lifestyle A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged periods of sitting or inactivity, is alarmingly more...

12 Traits People Hate In Other People

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - When it comes to human interactions, certain traits can spark strong dislikes in others. These characteristics have a way of rubbing people the wrong way, causing discomfort or annoyance. Whether it’s arrogance, dishonesty, or negativity, these traits can create barriers in forming meaningful connections. 1. Arrogance Arrogance is a trait that quickly puts people off....

12 Things People Were Excited About Until They Actually Did It

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Sometimes, the excitement surrounding something new can lead to high hopes and grand expectations. People eagerly anticipate experiences, products, or trends, envisioning them to be life-changing or revolutionary. However, once they actually get to try or participate in these things, they often find themselves feeling let down. 1. The Millennium Bug As the year 2000...

12 Meals That Traumatized People When They Were Growing Up

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Growing up, mealtimes often bring back cherished memories of delicious dishes and comforting flavors. However, for some, the memories associated with certain meals are far from pleasant. There are meals that have left lasting traumas, forever imprinted on the taste buds and minds of individuals. 1. Liver and Onions Many people shudder at the mere...

12 Reasons ‘Opposites Attract’ Is Completely False

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - The idea that opposites attract has been ingrained in our collective understanding of relationships for a long time. It suggests that people with contrasting personalities make the best matches. However, when we take a closer look, it becomes evident that this belief is far from the truth. In fact, several reasons prove that compatibility and...

12 Things Everyone Should Know, But Most People Don’t

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - In our everyday lives, there are essential things that can greatly benefit us, yet often slip under the radar. These nuggets of knowledge, though simple, have the potential to make a significant impact on our well-being and understanding of the world around us. Whether it’s basic first aid, financial literacy, or practical skills like home...

10 Things All Kids Should Know When They Reach 18

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Reaching the age of 18 is a significant milestone in every young person’s life. It marks the threshold of adulthood, bringing newfound freedoms, responsibilities, and opportunities. As parents, guardians, educators, and mentors, it is our duty to ensure that these young adults are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in this new...

12 Things Boomers Did As Kids For Fun And Then Realized Later On Were Really Dangerous

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - As children, we often engage in activities that bring us joy and excitement without fully understanding the potential risks involved. Looking back, we may realize that some of the things we did as kids for fun were actually quite dangerous. From climbing trees without safety precautions to playing with fireworks without proper supervision, our innocent...

12 Effective Ways To Get Over Your Loser Ex

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Breaking up with a loser ex can be tough, leaving you feeling hurt and defeated. But don’t worry, there are effective ways to move on and find happiness again. By implementing these techniques, you can rebuild your confidence, heal your heart, and create a fulfilling life that is free from the negative influence of your...

12 Things Boomers Miss That Don’t Really Exist Anymore

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Times change, and with each passing era, certain elements from the past fade away, becoming mere memories. Baby boomers, having experienced a world marked by significant technological advancements, often find themselves reminiscing about things that have become obsolete in today’s modern society. 1. Vinyl Records Boomers often recall the days when vinyl records were the...

10 “Unethical” Life Hacks People Are Guilty of Committing

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - We all want to succeed in life, but sometimes we might resort to unethical means to achieve our goals. From lying on resumes to taking advantage of loopholes, some people have admitted to using questionable tactics to get ahead. Here are ten unethical life hacks that some individuals have confessed to using. 1. Pretend to...

10 Ways “Average Joes” Can Make Millions in Real Estate

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - For centuries, the real estate market has been one of the best ways to accumulate wealth. So many people ask how to make millions in real estate. Sure, the real estate industry has had its ups and downs over the past few decades, but in the long run, homeownership has made thousands of people in...

10 Ways People Avoid “Keeping Up With the Joneses”

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - The art of living cheaply isn’t something that comes instinctively to most people. It’s something that’s learned. It is often derived from a strong desire to live a free life from the shackles of materialism. If you wonder how you can do minimalist living to save money and live a simpler life, the following living...

10 Critical Things Parents Should Teach Their Kids Immediately

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - As parents, we play a vital role in shaping our children’s lives and preparing them for the future. From their earliest years, it is crucial to impart valuable life lessons that will lay a strong foundation for their personal and interpersonal growth. By teaching important skills and instilling essential values early on, parents can empower...

12 Things Kids Inherited From Their Parents That They Hate

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Growing up means inheriting various traits from parents, but not all of them are welcomed with open arms. Children often find themselves disliking certain things they’ve inherited from their parents. These inherited aspects can range from physical features to personality traits and even habits. 1. Height Being taller or shorter than average can have its...

12 Things People Thought Were ‘Rich People Things’ When They Were Kids

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - When we were kids, our imaginations ran wild with dreams of luxurious lives led by the wealthy. We marveled at the things we believed only rich people could possess or experience. From swimming pools to fine dining, our young minds associated certain items and activities with a level of affluence that seemed out of reach....

10 Disappointments Parents Admitted About Their Adult Children

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - As children grow up and become adults, parents often have high hopes and expectations for their offspring. However, not all adult children live up to their parents’ expectations, leaving many parents feeling disappointed and even heartbroken. Whether you are a parent struggling to come to terms with your child’s choices or an adult child seeking...