Submitted Stories

Are You an Adult with ADHD Looking for Financial Help?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Adults who experience symptoms of ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) can find it challenging to manage their day-to-day personal finances. Whether you have ADHD or know someone who struggles to stay on top of money matters, it’s important to know financial help is available from prof...

How to Find an Advice-Only Financial Advisor

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - If you consider yourself a DIY (do it yourself) kind of person, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans successfully start and complete DIY projects every day. But just because you decide to do a project yourself doesn’t mean you have to learn how to do the task on your own. In fact, most DI...

15 Reasons You Should Rent a House Instead of Buying

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - But if none of them apply to you, do yourself a favor and buy . I was a renter from the time I left my parents’ home until I was 38. From that point forward I owned a home, As of 3 years ago, I’m also a landlord, leasing out my previous home. Based on that experience from all sides ...

Budgeting on an Inconsistent Income

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Like many freelancers, I tend to have an inconsistent income. Most months my income is fairly stable. Some months it can be double (or half) what it was the previous month. Most months I don’t know at the start of the month exactly what my income will be over the next four weeks. I definitely can...

My Investments Lagged in 2021 – 3 Reasons I’m Still Happy

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - If somebody tells you they missed out on hundreds of thousands of dollars, but they’re still happy, would you believe them? Would you dismiss it as “sour grapes,” or would you be curious to know why, and what it could mean for how you should look at your own finances? If the latter, read ...

Build Wealth on an Income of $67,000 in 3 Really Simple Steps

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - I’d just moved my young family halfway around the world to pursue my academic career. We owed thousands more than we owned : What’s known as having a negative net worth. And making less than 60% of the median income at the time , things didn’t look good for the future. Fast forward ma...

3 Reasons Why High-Interest Bank Accounts Aren’t Worth It

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - What makes more sense and why… I’d had it with the next-to-0% interest Bank of America pays on checking account balances. I bet you feel the same, because it isn’t just my bank, or just checking accounts for that matter. It’s become next to impossible to get a decent interest rate....

Constellation Energy Review: What Everyone Can Learn from Their Bad Behavior

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - ( Or, how I just saved hundreds of dollars by paying attention, and how you can too .) I just saved hundreds of dollars. All it took was paying attention, and acting on what I realized. Before I give you all the details, I’d like to take a small detour to set up the context....

Do You Really Have to Spend Money To Make Money?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - We’re often told this in business. You have to spend money to make money. But how true is it? And what exactly should you spend it on? There are lots of times when spending money will make you money. Those who spend on education still earn more on average (although it’s possible to earn more...

Looking for a Financial Advisor for Travel Nurses?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - [unable to retrieve full-text content] Are you a travel nurse? Or thinking about becoming one? A financial advisor who understands the unique needs of travel nurses can help you make smarter money moves throughout your career. You’ll likely find dozens of financial advisors in your hometown well...

Should You Get a Loan from Giggle Finance?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Almost 50% of people working in the US earn income as freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners. If you count yourself among this group of hard-working Americans, you likely know it can be difficult to borrow money from a local bank that prefers to see a pay stub and steady in...

Looking for a Financial Advisor for Digital Nomads?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Wealthtender, Inc. does not provide and does not intend to provide investment or legal advice through this website. Information contained on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Third party links and resources are provided for your convenience, and have not been indep...

Five Budgeting Tips To Improve Your Personal Finances This Year

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Whether you find budgeting a boring chore, or sexy as hell , there are a few ways you can make the process more rewarding. Review first Doing an annual review will help you prepare your budget for the coming year. While most people budget on a monthly basis, it’s important to remember ...

Why Are New Cars So Expensive? (Or Are They?)

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - It was predictable. I’m not talking about the spike in used-car prices, though that too isn’t surprising. No, I’m talking about the doomsday drumbeat about “through-the-roof” new-car prices. Here’s a representative sample of half-a-dozen pieces harping on that theme: The gist is ...

Tips to Create an Emergency Fund (That Actually Helps in an Emergency)

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - You’ve probably heard that you should have an emergency fund. Maybe you even have one already. But would it actually help in an emergency? Not just a minor emergency, but a serious one? The answer, for many people, is no. Depending on the size of your emergency fund and various other factors,...

Is This the Year You Start Your Freelance Business?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Freelancing is becoming an increasingly obvious way to bring in a little (or a lot of) extra money. Most of us have the basic tools we need to work remotely. And technology has made freelancing a lot easier than it once was. There are countless sites and apps dedicated to putting potential freelanc...

How Much Money Do You Really Need to Save for Retirement?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Simple Rules, False Comfort – How Much Do You Really Need? We all love simple rules, don’t we? They help us feel more control in a complex world where we have so little control over our circumstances. Go to college, get a degree, get a job, work hard for several decades, then retir...

More Money: 3 Benefits, One with a Very Big Downside

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - One of my favorite websites is . You know those slick motivational posters big companies love hanging on their office walls? Like “Teamwork” or “Success”? Well, Despair sells products that mock those posters. Their website says: “ MOTIVATIONAL PRODUCTS DON’T WORK. BUT OUR DEM...

3 Important Reasons Your Happiness Depends on Your Next Raise

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - I know it’s unpopular to say so in some circles, but yes, money can buy happiness. Certainly, as my mom’s experience of poverty early in her life taught her, having less money than you need buys misery. Then there’s that research people love to bandy about , that they claim proved ha...

A Simple Way to Double Your Small Business Profits and 10x Assets

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - It was 2017. A new client had a problem with her small business. She was working about as many hours as she wanted but was having a hard time making ends meet, let alone getting ahead. One simple bit of coaching I gave her would make a huge difference, but she took months before adop...