
Joined October 24, 2022

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Published Blogs

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors: Staying Safe and Warm in the Coldest Months

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Keep the seniors you love safer in the winter by improving their overall health, evaluating their environment, having a backup plan, and making sure they have the right clothing and footwear. Here are more winter safety tips for seniors.

Elderly Fire Safety: Best Easy-to-Use Fire Extinguishers

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - These smaller, lighter, and easy-to-use fire extinguishers for seniors and the elderly will make their homes a little safer in the event of a fire.

5 Safe Heaters For Seniors: Getting Toasty and Warm… Safely!

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Here are some safe heaters for seniors and elderly people to keep them toasty and warm... with their personal safety and reducing fire risk being top of mind!

Staying Snug and Safe: 64 Ways to Keep the Elderly Warm

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Feeling cold is a common complaint of the elderly and there are lots of ways to keep elderly people warm. Learn more about traditional ways like layered clothing and blankets plus so higher tech ways through thermostats and electronic devices.

Easier Mealtimes: Nutritious But Easy to Swallow Foods for the Elderly

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Older adults who have trouble swallowing get choked easily and even experience pain when eating. So, here are some easy to swallow foods for elderly people that are nutritious too!

Overcoming the Struggles of Aging: 9 Challenges Facing the Elderly

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Seniors and the elderly deal with a unique set of challenges. The most important issues for older adults have to do with health, finances, emotional needs, and abuse.

17 Therapist-Recommended Sports for Older Adults (Solo and Team Options)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Many seniors can engage in solo and organized team sports as long as they have the physical abilities to participate safely. Our resident occupational therapist offers her expert advice about which sports active older adults may want to consider.

11 Helpful Devices to Lift the Elderly Off the Floor After a Fall

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Lifting an elderly person off the floor after a fall improperly can cause additional injuries. Plus, how can seniors who are home alone get back up? These helpful devices lift elderly people off the floor after a fall and most can be used without needing caregiver assistance.

Lightweight Folding Power Wheelchair Reviews: An Expert Comparison of the Top Models

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Power wheelchairs are very helpful to people with serious mobility challenges. The problem is though that they generally aren't easy to transport. However, lightweight folding power wheelchairs like these solve that problem!

Gain Independence: Choosing the Best Mobility Aids for Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Losing your mobility can be devastating to your quality of life. But, there are many mobility aids that can help. Use this list of the top mobility aids for the elderly then have a conversation with your doctor about your needs.

Unleashing Your Passion With a New Hobby: Best Hobbies for Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Hobbies are a great way for seniors to stay active and engaged, learn new skills, cultivate a sense of purpose, and foster meaningful social connections with others. Here are our top suggestions.

Tips for Using a Knee Walker as an Alternative for Crutches

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Knee walkers (aka Knee Scooters) are a great alternative to traditional crutches or wheelchair. They are easier (and more fun?) to use for sure. Here are tips for how to use a knee walker to improve your mobility with a list of the best knee walkers on the market.

Gifts of Generosity: Helpful Christmas Donations for Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - With the holiday season quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to think about donating to organizations that support seniors during the holidays. We can help make this a special season for those in need by donating these helpful items.

How Does Arthritis Affect Walking And Shoe Choices for Seniors?

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Learn how the different forms of arthritis affect your walking mobility with tips for dealing with the pain - including how to choose proper footwear.

Should Seniors Wear Socks with Slip-On Shoes?

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Seniors can wear slip-on shoes with or without socks, depending on their comfort level and preference. And in this article, we will discuss in detail if seniors should wear socks with slip-on shoes or if they shouldn't.

How Often Should Seniors Replace Their Walking Shoes?

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - In most cases, new shoes provide seniors' feet with renewed support and better foot protection. Here an occupational therapist explains often should seniors replace their walking shoes.

47+ Great Gifts for People in Wheelchairs You’d Never Think Of!

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - People in wheelchairs have different needs and wants than others. Of course, they appreciate jewelry, electronics, and other standard gifts too. But, if you are looking for something more practical, here are some great gifts for people in wheelchairs.

42 Gifts for Elderly Parents (Find a Gift Idea You Haven’t Considered)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Most likely, older people have already received a lifetime's worth of gifts. Here are some suggestions and general buying tips for gifts for your elderly parents - especially if they have everything they want.

40+ Gifts for Lonely Elderly People (Help Them Feel Loved)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Many elderly people spend a lot of time alone especially after the loss of a spouse or the kids have grown and gone. Here are some gifts for lonely elderly people to help them pass the time – and feel loved.