
Joined March 22, 2021

Submitted Stories

The landlord’s guide to pet deposits vs. pet rent vs. pet fees

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - I love animals. I have almost always had at least one pet in my home. Pets enrich our lives and provide unmatched companionship and unconditional love. …

Are you helping someone pay their student loans? Watch out for this tax

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Can you pay off someone else’s loan? As a general rule, yes — so if you’re a student loan borrower and someone offers you assistance in …

Is Greece a good place to live? Here are the pros and cons of living in Greece

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Greece is a sought-after destination, not only for tourists but also for those considering a more permanent move abroad. But is Greece a good place to …

Girl bossing: 4 tips to get funding for women-owned businesses

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Self-employed women are much less confident in their ability to qualify for a business loan than their male counterparts, according to Finder’s most recent Consumer Confidence …

Turmeric could help treat indigestion, new study suggests

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Using home remedies to cure minor sicknesses or conditions goes back generations. Whether it’s a treatment grandma recommended or one your best friend tells you about, …

4 really good reasons to choose community college over a 4-year university

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Attending community college is often a much more affordable choice than going to a four-year public or private university. Students and parents can save money both …

This truffle ravioli recipe is the only thing you need in your life (AND its vegan!)

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - This recipe will teach you how to make a cute and fun vegan black truffle ravioli from scratch. Inspired by my love of Halloween, these candy …

How a federal government shutdown could impact your small business (& resources to help get you through it)

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Signs are pointing to a potential federal government shutdown in October 2023 due to a lapse in government funding. While Congress is trying this week to …

As pricey as a big city: Home values in America’s most expensive towns

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - The town-and-country lifestyle is often depicted as simple, idyllic and inexpensive compared to big-city living — especially when it comes to housing costs. But is this …

The sleep and health benefits of the popular adaptogen: Maca root

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - In recent times, you may have seen the term adaptogen popping up. Adaptogens can help the body deal better with mental or physical stressors, says Stacy Mobley, licensed naturopathic …

Germany sets the standard: On track to meet over 50% of energy demand with renewables this year

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Germany is likely to generate enough energy from renewables to meet more than 50% of its energy demand by the end of this year, as the …

Military spending: How Azerbaijan surpassed Armenia

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Three years after the last war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Armenian-majority separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh has suffered new Azeri strikes. Baku says its intention was …