Published Blogs

Engaging Whiteboard Games For the Elderly: Fun And Stimulating Activities

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Seniors deserve stimulating activities to keep their minds active and engaged. Whiteboard games are stimulating ways to provide seniors with cognitive challenges that don't require much physical effort while also promoting creativity. These are our favorites.

Crab Hunting – The Hagermans’ Family Portrait in Maui

Posted By karmahill on Photography - The Hagermans flew in from Arizona for their family portrait in Maui. This was the kids’ first trip to the island, so they wanted to document the special moment with a collection of beautiful photos that showed off their awesome personalities and spunk! The shores of Baby Beach set the stage, and its name says […]The post Crab Hunting – The Hagermans’ Family Portrait in Maui appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

12 Best Life Hacks That Will Save You a Ton of Money

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Saving money today seems like an impossible mission, but paying attention to some details and making small changes in everyday life can make a huge difference in your bank account. 1. Only Visit Yard Sales in the Wealthy Neighborhoods Yard ... Read More

Hawaii Family Reunion Portrait Planning Guide

Posted By karmahill on Photography - Capturing Hawaii family reunion portraits is a fun-filled way to frame vacation memories that will last a lifetime! Planning them, on the other hand, can sometimes feel like anything but fun. With the dynamics of managing a large crew and the complexities of coordinating times as well as outfits, it’s a challenge just figuring out […]The post Hawaii Family Reunion Portrait Planning Guide appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

Reducing Transport Emissions - The "Low Hanging Fruit"

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - Climate change is hitting and we all need to do our bit. How could buying an e-bike help? As we will discuss it could significantly reduce your transport emissions and ultimately help humanity avert the disaster that we can see unfolding. Carbon emissions from transport now account for 25% of the UK’s overall CO2 emissions. It’s not surprising that the government sees this as "low hanging fruit" - something that can be quite easily fixed.

Three Ways Financial Plans Can Help Save You from Yourself

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - You know it as well as I do. Way too often we find that we’re our own worst enemy. And things only get worse when we need to make a quick decision when we’re stressed or hungry (literally or figuratively). That’s why crafting plans is so crucial. It lets us consider all options dispassionately...

How People Responded to This Military Man Forced Into a Retirement Ceremony!

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Retirement parties occur in the military, professions, clubs, etc. Still, not everyone desires a celebration. Some people do not like parties, and others can’t wait ... Read More

16 Unmissable Things to Do in Stockholm on Your Visit

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Stockholm is a fantastic city to visit, with lots of cool stuff to do.  Whether you're there for a weekend or longer, you will always have things to explore. Getting around is easy, too, with their unique metro stations that can take you all over the city. We've compiled a list of some of the best ... Read more

5 Tips for The Best Maui Senior Portrait Experience

Posted By karmahill on Photography - Graduation is a perfect time for Maui Senior and Maui Graduation Portraits! In these photos, we capture a time of celebration, the feeling of hitting one of life’s most important commitments. We create a timeless memory to share over the years to come! In this post, we’ll be dishing out 5 helpful tips to having […]The post 5 Tips for The Best Maui Senior Portrait Experience appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

White, Middle-Aged Guys are Unhappy with Everything

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It seems like middle age sucks. As I get closer to my middling years, I'm staring down the barrel of misery. So I thought I would write about it.
The post White, Middle-Aged Guys are Unhappy with Everything appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

High School Dropout Demands Her College Fund From Her Parents To Pay For a Wedding

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user says she and her husband started contributing to college funds each time they learned they were pregnant. Their eldest child got pregnant and ended up dropping out of high school. However, the eldest kid learned about the college fund and wants to use it for a wedding. Mom Hopes Her Daugther Would...

13 States People Are Moving To The Most

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - In recent years, domestic migration patterns have painted a vivid picture of shifting preferences and economic opportunities across the United States. Certain states have emerged as trendy destinations, promising newcomers better job prospects, lower living costs, and more agreeable climates. This trend is reshaping these regions' demographic and economic landscapes, impacting everything from housing markets ... Read more

11 Times People Realized Their Date Was Dumb As A Stump

Posted By arnienicola on Personal - Have you ever been on a date and realized that your partner wasn’t the smartest cookie in the jar? These people share their hilarious stories of the times they realized their dates weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Looking for Ozzy Osborne’s House She told me that her and her best friend were going...

How Long Should Aquarium Lights Be On? Light Schedules & More

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - A big part of fishkeeping revolves around mirroring the natural habitat of fish inside the aquarium. Figuring out a healthy lighting schedule is a key part of that process! How long should aquarium lights be on? Can fish live without lights in a tank? How does light influence algae & plant growth? Aquarium fish, and [...]
The post How Long Should Aquarium Lights Be On? Light Schedules & More appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

What is Sudden Wealth Syndrome? And How Can You Avoid It?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - C’mon, admit it… Even if you’re super savvy financially, I’m sure you’ve occasionally bought a lottery ticket (or several). I know I have, when the jackpot is so astronomically high that it more than compensates for the next-to-but-not-quite-zero odds of winning the big one. If nothing el...

Her Boomer Mother Continue To Be Critical Of Her As A First-Time Mom

Posted By arnienicola on Personal - A woman is at her wit’s ends as her mom continues to be critical of her as a first-time mother. Being a first-time parent can be an overwhelming experience, especially when dealing with criticism from a parent or grandparent. In this case, a new mother is struggling with her boomer mom’s critical comments and trying...

Couple Devastated After Mother-in-Law Copies Their Tattoo

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user shared a story about how her mother-in-law copied a tattoo that was meant to be an exclusive gift in support of their sick child. The Baby The OP and her husband bore a girl 15 months ago. ... Read More