Published Blogs Politics

How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It's important to keep an even keel these days. Here's how to improve your life and stay positive in these tough times.
The post How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The End of Grand Strategy or Why it’s Fine to do Business with Dictators

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

The order of the world is changing and the West might need to learn how to do business with people that they don't agree with on all issues.
The post The End of Grand Strategy or Why it’s Fine to do Business with Dictators appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Best Tips For Hiring The Right Person For The Job

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

The labor market is in a unique place right now. Here's the right way to grow your team and hire the right person.
The post Best Tips For Hiring The Right Person For The Job appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Psychotic Parasites Are Destroying Us.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - The daily news is becoming too depressing to read. We're kept in a constant state of ever-increasing fear thanks to the irresponsible, immoral, and often insane behavior of the people we let run the world. We live on a planet that has everything we need for a peaceful life: food, water, natural medicine, materials for shelter, and amazing views that calm our souls. But we've been tricked into letting the worst among us, people who are possibly possessed by dark forces, take control of our paradise and turn it into a living hell. In a world where no one should be hungry, no one should feel hatred, and no one should fear the next day, we have millions living in poverty, scrounging for food in trash cans, numbing themselves with drugs & alcohol, and blaming everyone except the guilty for their situation. We're divided into an infinite number of groups pointing fingers at each other for every problem we have to endure. Meanwhile a cabal of wealthy, psychotic parasites live like kings, consuming all the Earth's resources and complaining when we dare to pick up a crumb they've mistakenly left behind.These parasites are so greedy and morally bankrupt they'll do anything to expand their power and wealth. Wars, famines, pandemics, and genocides have been their tools of choice, along with ample amounts of fear, chaos, confusion, ignorance, mind-altering substances, religious doctrines, fake science, and anything else they can come up with to keep us docile and quiet.We should be living in a time of spiritual peace. But instead we now face the very real threat of global nuclear annihilation. Government leaders, a mere handful of people among the billions who live on this planet, have created conflicts where none should exist. There's a war in Ukraine, and we're told it affects all of us. But it shouldn't. It's not our war. It's a war created by governments because of the demands by the psychotic parasites who think it will provide them with a bit more land, a bit more money, a bit more power. If they have to threaten to blow up the entire world, then so be it. These people are so insane they actually think they can detonate a few hydrogen bombs, do a bit of sweeping up, and live to see another day, just with fatter bank accounts. If a few million of us regular people die as a result, well that's just collateral damage.The fact that so many of us are caught up in this maniacal system and think it's normal is equally frightening. Let me be clear: there is nothing normal about the system we exist in. It's a corrupt, morally bankrupt system that needs to be ripped up by its roots so that something healthy can take its place.We shouldn't live in fear. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to voice our opinions. We shouldn't have to pay taxes that fund our own destruction. Our governments shouldn't be conducting psychological and medical experiments on us. We shouldn't be tracked and surveilled like farm animals. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to move from one place to another. We are born free, and we have the right to remain free. No government and no wealthy psychotic parasite should be able to take that away from us.But the madness will continue and the suffering will go on until we decide we've had enough. How bad must things get before we make that decision? I pray we come to our senses before it's too late.

Should You Sell Your Assets To Fund A Small Business?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Financing a new business is tought. In this guide we talk about leveraging your own assets and other ways to raise money to get your business dream off the ground.
The post Should You Sell Your Assets To Fund A Small Business? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

4 Simple Tips on Successfully Purchasing a New Family Vehicle

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Ready to dive into the heady car market? Here's a helpful guide on how to shop for a new car and get the best deal possible.
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My Obligatory Jordan Peterson Treatise

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics - I've assiduously avoided writing about Dr. Jordan Peterson but now I feel like it's finally time I address the good doctor and his lobsters.
The post My Obligatory Jordan Peterson Treatise appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

It's A Cult.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Cult: a quasi-religious organization using devious psychological techniques (mind control) to gain and control adherents. A group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices. A highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and/or psychologically damages members and recruits.Today's Democratic Party behaves more like a cult than a legitimate political organization. Their members live in fear of imaginary diseases, wear slave masks to protect them from viruses that have never been proven to exist, believe there are more than two genders, are obsessed with the 45th President, and strangely think that almost every problem can somehow be traced back to Russia. They also adore socialism despite its endless failures and think that next time, it'll work. And they promote social unrest and violence while deluding themselves into thinking that when cities burn it's somehow the fault of Donald Trump (part of their obsession with the 45th President). Nothing is ever their fault: they'll remind you constantly of that.If you or someone you know is a victim of the Democratic Party cult, please seek help from a qualified psychologist or a Constitutional Sheriff before it's too late. Freedom and sanity can be yours!

The Data Doesn't Lie: Vaccines Aren't Safe.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Every day the pharmaceutical company propagandists tell us how safe vaccines are. But CDC data shows something different. In the past official reports of vaccine injuries have been relatively low, but since the COVID jabs entered the scene, injuries and deaths have skyrocketed. As you can see in the graphic above, there have been 2,237,447 reports of vaccine adverse events reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) since the system began. Of those, 1,357,937 have been reported as reactions to the COVID vaccines. Breaking down the data, we see there have been 29,790 deaths attributed to the COVID jabs, which is the majority of the total vaccine related deaths reported. We see the same trend in total hospitalizations. And a Harvard University study funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) discovered that only 1% of vaccine injuries were reported to VAERS, meaning the real damage being done by vaccines is likely much greater than any official numbers we've seen. The data may be under-reported but the data doesn't lie: vaccines aren't safe. But they are very profitable, which is why Big Pharma's propagandists work so hard spinning their lies.

Life Is Unpredictable: 8 Contacts You Must Have On Your Phone (And Why)

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Life happens! Here are some of the essential contacts you need to keep in your phone so that when things happen you're already prepared to get the right people working to put things right.
The post Life Is Unpredictable: 8 Contacts You Must Have On Your Phone (And Why) appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

10 Tips for Starting Your Own Computer Repair Shop

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are 10 tips on starting a computer repair shop. They still exist and it can be a lucrative business.
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Just a Reminder: Religious Freedom for Me but Not for Thee

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It's Sunday, a time to relax and worship God, any god or anything you choose to worship. However, if MTG and her pals have her way, you'll have to worship God in the way they tell you to. Sounds perfectly American? Right?
The post Just a Reminder: Religious Freedom for Me but Not for Thee appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

5 Things Your Business Needs To Do In The New Year

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

I know we all aren't ready to start thinking about our business goals for 2023 but the reality is that it's helpful to get a head start. Here's 5 ways to get your business ready for 2023.
The post 5 Things Your Business Needs To Do In The New Year appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Stop the Presses: Socialism Can Save the American Dream

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Bernie Sanders proposed a broad restructuring of the American economy towards European principles of democratic socialism. Democratic primary voters never quite got on board with his vision of America. After covid, it doesn't seem so bad now.
The post Stop the Presses: Socialism Can Save the American Dream appeared first on The Cameron Journal.