Published Blogs Property

A Property Manager’s Guide to Decorating Your Office

Posted By loculogic on Property - Decorating your office may not be high on your list of priorities, but just like the clothes you wear, your office can say a lot about you both professionally and personally. Keeping your office well-decorated and organized sends the message that you pay attention to details and don’t let things get out of control. An […]
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How to Convince Your Tenants to Get Renters Insurance

Posted By loculogic on Property - Did you know that over 90 percent of homeowners carry a homeowner’s insurance policy, but less than 50 percent of renters have renters insurance? Renters insurance is an amazing tool for your tenants because it gives them protection for their personal belongings against liability charges, against medical charges, and it helps them cover the cost […]
The post How to Convince Your Tenants to Get Renters Insurance appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Winter Safety and Heating Tips on The Housecall Blog

Posted By loculogic on Property - Rentec Direct’s Brentnie Daggett is a regular contributor to Housecall, the official blog of RISMedia, which covers real estate news that spans the gamut of the industry. RISMedia has been a leader in the real estate industry for 34 years, and also publishes the popular Real Estate magazine and several other specialty publications. You’ll most […]
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1st Apartment Necessities (That You May Have Forgotten)

Posted By loculogic on Property - Moving into your first apartment is an exciting step. However, when those moving-day jitters combine with forgetfulness or poor planning, it can lead to unneeded frustration. Make certain you have everything you need by reviewing these 5 first apartment necessities that you may have forgotten. Shower Curtain: You’ve purchased all the toiletries that the stores […]
The post 1st Apartment Necessities (That You May Have Forgotten) appeared first on Rentec Direct.

New Settlement Reports Takes the Guesswork Out of Merchant Deposit Reconciliation

Posted By loculogic on Property - Does this scenario sound familiar?  You have a deposit into your operating account from Forte for $1,001 dollars, but being as weekends and countless bank holidays can muck up the actual bank deposit date that deposit might have been from yesterday, or four days ago. All you really want to do is make sure the […]
The post New Settlement Reports Takes the Guesswork Out of Merchant Deposit Reconciliation appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Problems to Check for in an Older Apartment Building or Home

Posted By loculogic on Property - Taking an older apartment building or home and renovating it into modern, beautiful units comes with some unique challenges. You’ll gain a lot of personality and likely get an older building at a great price, but there are some specific things you should be aware of before investing. Rent prices in the United States increased […]
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The Manager’s Plateau – Part One: 7 Things Every Property Manager Should Do Before Accepting Tenants

Posted By loculogic on Property - The Managers Plateau – Part One As a property manager, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Most people think all you have to do is sit back and collect rent – but the truth is, there’s a lot more involved. Before you can accept tenants, you’ve got to do your due diligence and do […]
The post The Manager’s Plateau – Part One: 7 Things Every Property Manager Should Do Before Accepting Tenants appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Rent an Apartment with Troubled Credit

Posted By loculogic on Property - If you plan on renting an apartment, bad credit is one of the things that may get in your way. Most renters have no idea that troubled credit can be a major problem. Even with a perfect rental history, bad credit may make it difficult for you to find the apartment of your dreams. The […]
The post How to Rent an Apartment with Troubled Credit appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Preparing Your Rental for a New Tenant: Steps for a Smooth Turnover

Posted By loculogic on Property - Before renting your property to a new tenant, there are a few essential steps you need to complete for a smooth tenant turnover. It’s your legal responsibility to provide a comfortable, healthy and safe living environment to your tenants, which often entails performing some essential repairs and upgrades. Aside from meeting all the legal requirements, […]
The post Preparing Your Rental for a New Tenant: Steps for a Smooth Turnover appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Website Security for Property Managers and Landlords

Posted By loculogic on Property -   Maintaining a presence online with a professional website for your rental business is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a leading property manager or landlord. A website allows your current and future renters to learn more about your properties and the way you manage them. Property managers and landlords are able […]
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What Type of Insurance do Property Managers Need?

Posted By loculogic on Property - When establishing yourself as a professional property manager, it is important to acquire appropriate insurance to protect your business, yourself and the properties you manage for others. Who needs property management insurance coverage? If you are involved in the following activities, it is important to have the right coverage and insurance policies: Renting or leasing […]
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Money-Saving Remodeling Tips for the DIY Landlord

Posted By loculogic on Property - As a real estate investor and a landlord, you will not only have to maintain your property regularly, but there may come a time for you to remodel or renovate the property. In some cases these renovations will be absolutely necessary, despite the expensive price tag attached to the property update. Thankfully, you can take […]
The post Money-Saving Remodeling Tips for the DIY Landlord appeared first on Rentec Direct.

7 Ways to Quickly Make a Rental Feel Like Home

Posted By loculogic on Property - Being a college student or a newly-wed or simply someone who often changes apartments for some reason or is planning to do so in the near future, it can be difficult to feel at home in your new apartment, especially since it’s not really yours. However, the circumstances have taught us we need to adjust […]
The post 7 Ways to Quickly Make a Rental Feel Like Home appeared first on Rentec Direct.

New Feature – Multiple Tenant Payment Accounts for Online Rent Payments

Posted By loculogic on Property - Give your tenants more ways to pay rent online with new multiple tenant payment account options from Rentec Direct.   When it comes to paying rent or other rental related expenses online, your tenants might prefer to use more than one bank account or credit card to make the payment.  Which is why we announced a […]
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Property Manager’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Great Owners

Posted By loculogic on Property - Finding the right investors and would-be clients is an important task for a successful property manager. And continuing to build your portfolio with more clients can be a chore, but once you have the tools of the trade down, you may find that some of the owners knocking on your door are not a good […]
The post Property Manager’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Great Owners appeared first on Rentec Direct.

The Federal Fair Housing Act

Posted By loculogic on Property - When you hear about a landlord’s or a property manager’s responsibility to prevent discrimination at a rental property, we are most likely referring to the Federal Fair Housing Act. This article and the video below examine one of the most important landlord-tenant laws, the Federal Fair Housing Act. In the world of property management even […]
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A Landlord’s Guide to Handling Difficult People

Posted By loculogic on Property - Handling difficult people can be tricky. A tenant throws open your office door and starts into a rant complaining about a noisy neighbor–for the fourth time this week, and it’s only Tuesday. Then the phone rings and it’s an angry applicant threatening to sue you personally because you denied their application. It’s easy to handle […]
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5 Ways to Prevent Damage to Your Wood Floors

Posted By loculogic on Property - Hardwood floors are undoubtedly the most popular flooring option. This is presumably due to the fact that they are magnificently exotic and last for years without requiring frequent repairs or maintenance. Furthermore, wooden floors tend to blend well with most furniture sets and home decor. However, like any other flooring option, hardwood floorings are also […]
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How to Break Your Lease Early (Without Breaking the Bank)

Posted By loculogic on Property - Remember that leases are legally binding contracts; by signing a lease you have agreed that you will care and pay for your rental until your lease term ends. As with any contract, do not take breaching the lease lightly. Life does happen, however, and there are events and circumstances that can make it necessary to […]
The post How to Break Your Lease Early (Without Breaking the Bank) appeared first on Rentec Direct.

5 Things Property Managers Can Do to Eliminate Stress

Posted By loculogic on Property - Anyone who’s ever been in charge knows one thing – management is stressful. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re managing a project, a property, or a team of people. The experience of being responsible for the success of a project or a team can induce a fair amount of stress. But you need a clear […]
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