
Joined June 15, 2021

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Commodities Trading: Investing in Silver

Posted By eBrandMe 200 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - You should determine why you want to invest in any precious metals (a hedge against inflation, to store value, diversify your portfolio, or profit from higher prices) and pick the metal and investment vehicle that best matches your needs.

Fibonacci: Ten Symbols {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

Posted By eBrandMe 201 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Traveling around the Mediterranean coast, Fibonacci met with many merchants, learning about their systems of doing arithmetic. He combined the knowledge he acquired with his own thinking and committed this to paper on his return to Pisa.

Pythagoras of Samos: From Earth to the Sphere of the Moon, One Tone

Posted By eBrandMe 215 days ago on all

https://bit.ly - Pythagoras grew up on the island of Samos, near the birthplace of Greek philosophy, Miletus, on the coast of Asia Minor. He’s credited with formulating the Pythagorean theorem, and the concept that music and harmony is present in the entire Universe.

Value Stocks: A Wonderful Business at a Fair Price

Posted By eBrandMe 228 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - A value stock is usually a stock of a low-growth company that typically trades at lower price-to-earnings (P/E). The concept of value investing is credited to Benjamin Graham, author of “The Intelligent Investor.”

Euclid of Alexandria: Mathematician & Author of Elements

Posted By eBrandMe 229 days ago on all

https://www.linkedin.com - Euclid of Alexandria was a Greek mathematician and the author of Elements, a thirteen-book treatise which curated work from earlier mathematicians, including Pythagoras, Eudoxus, Hippocrates of Chios, Thales and Theaetetus.

Growth Stocks: Industry Disruptors That Generally Do Not Pay Dividends

Posted By eBrandMe 235 days ago on all

https://ebrandme.biz - In order to stay ahead of competitors, growth companies reinvest profits to develop even newer technologies and patents to ensure long term growth.