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Dubai Hills, Glass Dominated Modern Villa Project

Posted By businessadvice 1066 days ago on all - This villa is a modern design privilege that was paired with extreme creativity and intuition with precise accuracy to provide a phenomenon of enduring beauty within every corner that will enchant anyone by its beauty in Dubai Hills. The glass-dominated villa is the fruit of vibrant dreams of its clients and unique taste of Algedra designers.

Latest Bathroom Design Projects by Algedra

Posted By businessadvice 1046 days ago on all - Looking for bathroom design ideas, but you don’t know where to start?

Algedra interior designers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi have unlimited capacity to design the most luxurious and inspiring space to reinforce details that need utmost attention yet creative perspectives. We strive to create dynamic, warm and aesthetically appealing spaces for users.

Discover dozens of unique, stylish bathroom design projects for your own space remodel. Here are latest compelling bathroom collections designed by Algedra

Tips to create a serene zen style home

Posted By businessadvice 1039 days ago on all - Zen is a way of life. A deeply personal, highly abridged search for meaning that considers simplicity as an art form. It completely rejects the clutter, and nature is a building block for zen design. The presence of plants, especially indoors, is inevitable for zen style.

Deprem Sonrası Temizlik İçin Kişisel Koruyucu Ekipman

Posted By businessadvice 1014 days ago on all - Sarsılma, sallanma, düşen şeyler ve gidecek hiçbir yerinizin olmadığı bir afet... Uyarı olmadan gerçekleşir ve genellikle geniş alanları etkiler. Olası insan can kaybı ve mal hasarı açısından depremlerden daha yıkıcı çok az doğal afet vardır.

Ayrıca, şokun etkisi geçtikten sonra, bir depremin ardından hem mağdurlar hem de kurtarma çalışanları için ciddi tehlikeli koşullar ortaya çıkar ve bunların en ciddisi çoğu zaman çöken yapıların içinde ve çevresinde çalışmaktır. Kişisel koruyucu ekipman dahil olmak üzere uygun güvenlik ekipmanının seçimi, tüm kurtarma çalışanları, kolluk kuvvetleri ve sonrasında yer alan diğer profesyoneller için kritik öneme sahiptir.

The concept of mobile housing and its urban structures

Posted By businessadvice 1014 days ago on all - The romantic notion of a wanderlust, the ability to depart freely from familiar things with a minimum of possessions is a desire that almost everyone has experienced at some point in their lives. The nomadic lifestyle is very attractive because it represents the possibility of rebelling against symbols of stability and survival in favor of exploring the natural environment and being able to adapt to a variety of living conditions with ease. This desire led to the emergence of mobile structures for those who want to move where these structures, whatever their shape, can be transformed into a temporary office, a home, or even an entire community.

Study in Turkey for Saudi Arabia Nationals

Posted By businessadvice 1217 days ago on all - There are 2 types of universities to study in Turkey: State and Private Universities. All universities are inspected by YÖK. At least one associate, undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral programs are offered in all of these universities.


Posted By businessadvice 1214 days ago on all - There is a slew of interior design and decor companies in UAE, each offers different services like interior design, decor, architecture, fit-out, and landscape design with a varying degree of quality, none better than Algedra, which is the best interior design company in Abu Dhabi and UAE.

How to Decorate a Beautiful House in Eclectic Style?

Posted By businessadvice 1212 days ago on all - Creating a brand new home needs rich, layered, utterly different by selecting elements from variety styles, contrasting hues and colors to catch cohesive, beautiful rooms, which these are characteristics of style to pop up eclectic in decor to bring harmony to portray magnitude effect.

Home Decor Sophistication Tips - London Style

Posted By businessadvice 1205 days ago on all - What good is a home if it’s not sophisticated? Sophisticated interiors are about embracing elegance through decor and furnishings. Luxury and attention to detail are also essential components of a sophisticated home.

University Education in Turkey for Iraqi nationals

Posted By businessadvice 1204 days ago on all - The higher education system in Turkey, is governed by universities that are autonomous and make their own academic calendars. The academic year begins in September in Turkey, it ends in June. There are two holidays, winter and summer. Some universities also have summer schools.


Posted By businessadvice 1203 days ago on all - A villa’s kitchen design in Turkey must be unique and welcoming. It should be composed of all the essential pieces. Your kitchen’s interior design needs to accommodate all these activities, which is why kitchen remodels are more popular than ever.


Posted By businessadvice 1200 days ago on all - Whether classic, modern or contemporary, combined with British innovation, Indian spiritual journey or Pakistani ethnic patterns, textures and lines; We get you beyond your dreams with our international background experts and interior designer teams.

7 things you need to know about Alpine interior design

Posted By businessadvice 1197 days ago on all - No better time to talk about Alpine interior design than the festive winter season, or is it relevant any time of the year?

As it says from its name Alpine interior design derives its inspiration from the snowy locations of French Alpes. Think of the coziest winter evenings in Courchevel with a view surrounded by white crispy snow and the room lightened by the light from the fireplace.

Salient Features of Indian Style Interior Design

Posted By businessadvice 1172 days ago on all - Essence of unique harmony of Indian style in the interior creates exquisite taste and modesty. The design of the house is complemented by gold details and accessories, grandeur decor, dainty inlaid, and carved furniture in which these are essential touches of Indian style interior design.


Posted By businessadvice 1169 days ago on all - The term of therapeutic architecture encompasses patient-oriented design in which architectural approach has a healing effect. Today we are gonna talk about in what ways the therapeutic architectural style has an impact on patients.

Capture Serenity with Pakistani Style Interior Design

Posted By businessadvice 1108 days ago on all - Pakistan is one of the most interesting countries in South Asia, where it is one of the travel routes of voyagers with its multicultural structure and different geographical features.