
Joined May 28, 2021

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5 Minute Breathing Exercise That Lowers Blood Pressure

Posted By SuccessTrending 1051 days ago on Personal - What could be better if a person can spend 5 minutes on breathing exercises that lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart, and helps live longer.IMST  (High Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training) is a method of inhaling through a handheld device that creates resistance, which was first created in the 1980s to aid persons with severe respiratory problems. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder discovered that it could benefit heart health equally as much as – if not more than – aerobic exercise.IMST exercises have been shown to improve your lungs in the same way that aerobic exercises do. IMST is supposed to supplement, not replace, aerobic activity. Previously, doctors recommended that patients with respiratory issues use these devices at low power

5 Rules For A Successful And Happy Life

Posted By SuccessTrending 1078 days ago on Personal - How to be successful in life?  Here is a 5-Step Success guide. It will help you on your journey to success.Success stories of popular entrepreneurs serve as an important lesson for us. Their struggle stories, advice, tips interest us more.Advice that these famous personalities share is derived from their professional and personal experience. Their advice is adopted in our professional life, they can help us in making the right decision and grow in our life.Here are some tips from a Successful entrepreneur to help you become more successful.1. Don't feel afraid to fail: The secret to get success is Experimenting. You won't know if you won't try. Many entrepreneurs have not achieved success in the first attempt. They tried, got failed, learned from their own mistake, and k

Embed YouTube Videos The Right Way With LazyLoad Technique

Posted By SuccessTrending 1078 days ago on Personal - Embedding a YouTube video is very easy. You open the video on YouTube, click Share and then Embed. And then you include this code on your blog or website. Although embedding a YouTube video this way is simple, you'd be shocked to know how much a single YouTube video embed can bring down the performance of your web pages. According to, the browser must download approximately 800 kB of data just to render the YouTube video player. Even before the visitor clicks the play button, these files are downloaded.LazyLoading YouTube Video Embed Technique has many benefits in terms of significantly improving website speed and performance. It is very important to know how to implement it and embed Youtube videos on your website the right way.How to implement lazy loading on your blog o

Top 10 Rules for Success That Can Change Your World

Posted By SuccessTrending 1079 days ago on Personal - Success is a concept that has different meanings to different people. No matter what success means to you, it's almost certainly isn’t something that will come easily. Success is always connected with a lot of wealth, for some success is power while there are people who think, to be successful means to make an impact with your activities on the world. It doesn't matter how and exactly what defines success for you. Important is to get success in life and completing the dream you have seen.But as said, success is never easy but neither it's impossible. There are many famous personalities who work 80 hours per week without taking any holidays or without getting distracted. One such person is Elon Musk. It may be quiet surprising but we shouldn't forget that he is a normal human being like yo

10 Effective Ways To Develop Your Leadership Skills

Posted By SuccessTrending 1080 days ago on Personal - Good leadership skills are essential for career development. Today’s workplace environment is full of stress and most people get easily demotivated. This does affect people's productivity. In such a scenario, leadership skills play a great role. They not only help to build unity but also motivate people to give their best in their professional life.There are many leadership management programs that are available and provides education on how you can get leadership skills. what your leadership style is and how to develop the interpersonal skills needed. Even many companies have realized the importance of leadership skills and they give free certification courses to their employee.If you are one of them who wants to improve your leadership skills, then understand these important s

14 Multiplayer Games You Can Play With Your Friends Online

Posted By SuccessTrending 1080 days ago on Personal - There are so many reasons these days that we cannot meet our friends and play with them. As we cannot physically hang out with our friends, playing online games is the second-best option. Today the distance does not matter. Here you can find the best multiplayer games to play with friends online or with your loved ones right from the mobile. Most of the games we listed here do not require downloading. These are online games you can play with friends over the internet or even we have listed online games to play with friends on different computers.So here is the list of multiplayer games for friends I have been playing and think these are really fun and hopefully you would also find them enjoyable and engaging.1. CodenamesIt's a really popular word association board game that plays in

5 Ways You Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Achieve Your Dreams

Posted By SuccessTrending 1084 days ago on Personal - In Modern Philosophy, the new thought called "The Law Of Attraction" has become one of the famous concepts of which everyone is aware.The Law of Attraction is the concept that says, positive or negative ideas bring positive or negative experiences into the life of an individual. Everything in the universe is energy moving and vibrating or its own frequencies. Just as how positive thoughts can give positive results, the same way, if someone is overwhelmed with unhappiness, loneliness, feeling sorry for self, being full of self-doubt or negativity in mind it leads to killing confidence and passion towards the bright life. This resulting in getting life more towards the negative side. This is how The Law Of Attract works.It has been proven scientifically that our thoughts ultimately acc

Lose Fat Fast In One Month Naturally At Home

Posted By SuccessTrending 1084 days ago on Personal - Many people struggle with weight problems. Even though being healthy is not bad but people think that being fat creates an appearance issue. Today, people are gaining weight due to unhealthy eating preferences (such as fast food) and family habits (such as fast food) and family habits (such as eating while watching television rather than around a table). High-calorie, low-nutrient snacks and beverages, bigger portions of food, and less-active lifestyles are all contributing to weight gain.Weight gain can affect the confidence and self-esteem of a person. Especially if one has accumulated a lot of fat in the belly. Lower belly fat is the most stubborn fat and most of the people with this problem do all sorts of workout to lose weight. If you are one of them who wants to lose body fat

Are Google Career Certificates Really Worth It?

Posted By SuccessTrending 1085 days ago on Personal - Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, has announced new initiatives aimed at reskilling millions of people in the new normal, including opening up enrollment for the latest professional certificates, expanding the employer consortium, and developing new job-search tools.Google recently launched its Career Certificates Programs across the world. These certificate programs mostly cover technology course programs like IT Support, UX design, project management, data analytics, and Android app development. Image resource: DepositphotosEnrollment in these courses is quite easy and it can provide some necessary skills to work in the technology sector. It also gives you necessary interview tips, coaching sessions, and resume building. In addition, you get exposure to a hiring consor

3 Ways To Stop Being Lazy All The Time

Posted By SuccessTrending 1086 days ago on Personal - Ever this has happened to you that you had planned for some work to complete for next day but you didn't wished to start doing it in the morning when you got ready?Laziness interrupts our life in all ways. It helds us captive without we knowing it.  Laziness is one of the characteristic of humans that directly affect the person's ability even though they are capable. One of the example that we can consider is, even if we thought to start exercising we skip doing. Is there any relation between laziness and procrastination?Procrastination is a deliberate action in which you want to do something other than the job you know you should be doing. Laziness, on the other hand, connotes apathy, inactivity, and a refusal to act.Hence, procrastination is sometimes confused with l

Color Psychology Of Digital Marketing

Posted By SuccessTrending 1087 days ago on Personal - Undoubtedly, colors play an incredibly crucial, yet sometimes obscure, role in our daily lives. Taking away colors from someone's life would make his or her life completely dull without any visual pleasure.It is by seeing the colors in nature and the world around us that we experience visual joy and appreciate the beauty in its visual form.Branding and Color PsychologyColor psychology is the study of colors, tints, and shades and how these affect human behavior and decision-making. Color has an impact on tastes that aren't immediately apparent, such as the taste of food. Colors have the power to enhance confidence in placebos. For example, red or orange tablets are more widely used as stimulants. Red, blue, yellow, and green are the four psychological main colors. They are relatable

Avoid These Diseases By Drinking Water Stored In Copper Bottle

Posted By SuccessTrending 1087 days ago on Personal - If you drink water in a copper vessel in summer, you can avoid various diseases we will learn about in this article. According to the study, the water must be stored in a copper vessel for at least overnight or up to 48 hours to get full anti-bacterial benefits.Drinking copper pot water has many health benefits. Let us see what are the benefits.Benefits Of Drinking Water from Copper Vessel.You will know many benefits of drinking water in a copper vessel. Many people use copper utensils for drinking water every day. In summer, the heat increases. It is beneficial to use copper utensils to store and drink the water as it has a cooling effect on our body. 1. Since ancient times, drinking or drinking water in a metal vessel was considered beneficial. Among these metals, co

Why Career Counseling Is Important? A Key To Student's Success

Posted By SuccessTrending 1088 days ago on Personal - Career Counselling abroad prepares students for the future much better than their Indian counterparts, according to the International Career and College Counseling (IC3) Conference, hosted in New Delhi where a study was conducted. According to a report, successful career counseling can make a significant difference for students.35% of the students prefer the advice of their parents for selection of a college or a university against 33% of the students relying on the internet.As per the survey, it is felt by 50% of universities that high schools need to play a bigger role in a smooth transition for students from schools to universities. 98% of universities also feel that more information and career counseling is needed at the level of high school to better equip the students58% of uni

Feeling Sleepy During Day Time? This Can Be The Underlying Cause

Posted By SuccessTrending 1089 days ago on Personal - Sometimes it happens that we suddenly start to uncontrollably feel sleepy. Such an urge for an uncontrollable daytime nap may not be just about being bored, or tiredness, or laziness.The underlying cause could be a neurological disorder known as Narcolepsy.A lot of research has been done and a lot has been written about the most precious physiological phenomenon -  'SLEEP'. Sleep is very important to allow the body to regenerate itself emotionally and physically.On average, a human being spends one-third of their lifespan in sleep. Having said, there are many people who find it difficult to fall asleep or have experienced issues with sleep at some point in their lives.While sleep issues such as fragmented sleep patterns can lead to fatigue the is also an unpopular condition that

UTM Guide To Google Analytics - Tips and Tricks Updated 2021

Posted By SuccessTrending 1089 days ago on Personal - A very important aspect of any great marketing strategy is to be able to measure its success.Measuring the impact of your strategies can be difficult without the right tools. Sure, you know Pinterest drives a certain percentage of traffic to your website or blog. But do you know which pins are giving you that traffic? Or is it a specific guest post that is driving leads and customers to your website?No matter what your goal is or what KPIs you track to measure your success, Google Analytics offers a high level of accuracy and lots of detail when you’re tracking your traffic. This is particularly useful when you are trying to find answers to some of the basic questions of your marketing effort like:How much traffic I am getting on my website or blog?What are my sources or medium of traffic

You Never Would Think To Try These To Lose Weight

Posted By SuccessTrending 1090 days ago on Personal - Like me, there are many people who tried to be on diet to lose weight. But all effort goes in vain when we find that no matter how much we try hard, losing weight is not that easy.Expert says, dieting alone can not give us positive benefits, until and unless we don't add up the things which can create favorable benefits and dieting can work advantageous for you. Here are some of the tricks that can help you when you are on diet and lose weight.1. Eat small meals 6 times a dayEating throughout the day is proven to be a healthy way to eat rather than eating 3 big meals. Small meals influence metabolism. When we eat large 3 meals in a day, we consume more calories than required and the rest of the day we are left without eating anything, leading to a drop in blood sugar and making us ha

Astonishing Health Benefits Of Curry Leaves In Diet

Posted By SuccessTrending 1091 days ago on Health - Adding curry leaves along with cumin seeds and mustard seeds while tempering gives off such a pleasant aroma that it immediately satisfies the appetite... Read more at

Quote Of The Day

Posted By SuccessTrending 1091 days ago on Web Traffic - Are you looking for something to beautify your website or blog with a daily motivational quote? And at the same time increase engagement and traffic to your blog.
Let's introduce you to our Quote Of The Day widget. You can easily add the Quote Of The Day widget to your blogger or WordPress website. Read more at

What Happens When You Don’t Sleep For Days

Posted By SuccessTrending 1091 days ago on Self Improvement - It is estimated that 30% of adults are affected and 66% of adolescents are sleep deprived on a regular basis in the United States. This isn't merely a minor annoyance. Staying awake can be dangerous to our health. When we don't get enough sleep, our learning memory and reaction time suffer. Read more at

Hand Sanitizers Can Cause These Skin Conditions

Posted By SuccessTrending 1092 days ago on Health - In the current scenario of COVID-19. Many of us use hand sanitizers repeatedly to protect us from getting infected as well as preventing the spread of coronavirus disease. It is important to protect ourselves from infection. At the same time, excessive use of sanitizers causes some damage to the skin and our hands.Hand sanitizers contain usually contain 95% of alcohol and alcohol kills bacteria and coronaviruses and how we are protected. But when sanitizers are applied even the good bacteria are also killed. There is also a possibility that the bad bacteria also might become a bit more resistant to the antibiotic treatment. Read more at