Pinterest is a graphic targeted social media site that has more than 445 Million active people online on a monthly basis. This number is pretty huge for any social site, but this one is different because it is a niche site and can be categorized by several factors. This greatly makes this site targeted for various purposes, thus making it even more valuable.
Just like any other social site, the basic rules still apply, for example making an established and catchy profile helps. The categories and tags are mostly in the form of boards and pins where being relevant and quality of the content matters. The images matters more than the text, but in general, everything counts.
Here, we are going to discuss several tips to boost your Pinterest marketing.
1. Make a good profile: Just like any other social site, here too, the first step starts with creating the perfect profile. Fill up all relevant fields of your Pinterest profiles, including the link to your website, social media accounts, related hashtags etc.
2. Setup Relevant Boards: On Pinterest, setting up the boards is the most important thing to do. There’s pretty much no limit to the number of boards that we have. As long as we make relevant boards and add pins to them, and keep adding pins on them regularly, we can keep growing the number of boards.

3. Follow people on Pinterest: On social media, it is important to follow people so that they follow us back. If you are following relevant people then, in time, you will gain a following which is highly targeted and helpful in promoting your content.
4. Join Group Boards: Group boards are an amazing feature of Pinterest. Imagine a perfect world where someone else has setup these amazing, huge and helpful boards and now they are allowing you to add your own content to these boards in the form of pins. This is exactly that a group board does. As soon as you apply for a group board which is open for the public, and your request is approved by the board admin, you are free to start pinning on that board.
5. Schedule your Pins: Pinning when your heart desires is all right as long as you are doing it all for fun, but when it becomes result oriented, then plenty of things changes and one has to take a different approach. Sharing your pins at regular interval, spaces the content posting properly. This way, your content is consumed better and your audience isn’t flooded or the time line does not goes dry.
6. Event Pinning: Pinterest is a social site which is great for events, especially shopping events. The members of Pinterest does shopping research ahead of most shopping festivals, like Christmas, black Friday, thanks giving, new year etc. If you are able to add new pins targeting these events, you can get a lot of targeted traffic on these events days. Since other social sites show lower traffic levels on these events, Pinterest automatically becomes the go-to social site on shopping planning.
7. Share from other Boards: While it is fine to keep adding content that you create yourself, but there’s a limit on how much content you can make yourself. This is where you can share other people’s pins and get volume on your Pinterest boards. Now this isn’t like copying content from the internet, as the pins are already there on Pinterest, you are just re-pinning them on your own boards.
8. Use taller images: The preferred image size on Pinterest is the longer ones. Wider images do not do well on this site. Always look for images that are longer than they are wider. Feel free to edit your existing images and make them taller by either editing or mixing multiple images together.
9. Make good use of Canva: When it comes to editing images, nothing on the internet does better than Canva. There are plenty of free options available with Canva that improves the images and makes them look better. There’s picture, templates, graphics, shapes and pretty much everything that can be used to improve images.
10. Create and Share Infographics: This is an image based content that does extremely well on Pinterest. Infographics comes in all type of formats, but it is mostly in taller size which is a format that Pinterest likes. Infographics content is mostly text and graphics and all the text is added in the image, so the Pinterest users like it. Creating infographics especially for the Pinterest helps even more.
11. Text on the Image: On regular images, if you edit it and add some catchy text to it, it gets shared even more. The text should be readable and nicely presented and the image should be clearly visible, as long as this delicate balance is met, it will be shared heavily on the social media.
12. Stay Focused: Pinterest is a collection of images. These images are catchy, they are relevant to what you like and do – one can really start exploring the site and get side-tracked. It is important to stay focused so that the real concentration goes into the actual Pinterest marketing, not Pinterest browsing.

13. Run a Contest: On social media, if you want to build a following or get a lot of content shared, the best way is to start a contest giveaway. In the rules, make sure to mention that following and pinning is required as part of the contest rules. This way, any one participating in the contest has to follow and share.
14. Pinterest Trends: This is a secret area of Pinterest that shows what trends on Pinterest. There are plenty of filters that can be applied and a trend can be narrowed down so that we can target on the basis of the niche we are in.
Social media marketing mostly revolves around the top tier social media sites, where sites like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube takes the front seat. However when it comes to images, women audience, shopping research etc. Pinterest automatically becomes the go to place to get started. There’s plenty of ways to make the most out of Pinterest, but being genuine and creating high quality and unique content is a top priority.