Hello Blog Engage readers and welcome to another year of great opportunity! Happy New Years and Welcome to 2022! This year let’s do something great! Let’s do something different! Whatever we do, let’s move outside our personal comfort zone and obtain new goals we would had never before!

The magnitude of our discomfort can vary drastically with everyone. Some can be as simple as starting a blog, perhaps even writing within a niche that challenges you more intellectually. I want us all to set new goals that make us try harder to obtain new success.

New Success Awaits

When we reach for new ideas and opportunities we bring upon us new success. I understand change is difficult and at times the simple idea of change brings stress and self doubt. Tho this is true, we don’t want this feeling of self doubt to stop us from moving outside our comfort zone, we cannot be the demise of our own success.

Blogging Is Uncomfortable

Do what makes you uncomfortable with your blog

Content shared is easily content judged! The simple basic fact that what we write is open to ridicule from everyone on the internet, including our influencers. This makes most bloggers feel extremely uncomfortable. Perhaps even one of the reasons it took me so long to start blogging here on Blog Engage. Not everyone experiences being uncomfortable with blogging but we have to recognize for many its a real challenge.

The More You Write

Good news, the more we blog, the easier it gets! This is the positive news! So whatever you do, don’t give up. Surround yourself with positive people that have similar interests such as other bloggers. Join blogging communities that bring you close to these potential blogging friends!

I look forward to blogging in 2022 and reaching new goals myself! I hope we get to grow and have success together in this online journey. Please don’t be shy, say hello, subscribe to the blog and stick around! You will only find success sticking around these parts!

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